19-"Prove It"

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She sat aimlessly in the back of the new black car Ethan was driving. He sat in the driver's seat, not saying a word. She was trapped in the back alone and scared.

Violet was worried about the Carpenter sisters. She had originally thought they just weren't there when she returned, but what if Ethan hurt them? He was capable of anything at this point.

He had killed so many people she loved.

But why didn't she fully hate him? Violet couldn't quite understand. If this was anyone else, someone she saw as a stranger, a peer, or even a friend, she would hate them forever.

But Violet still felt that burning feeling in her heart whenever he looked at her or spoke to her. She didn't want to even believe her own feelings.

Violet was crying, and she rested her head against the leather of the car. She wasn't sure were Ethan was taking them, or what he planned to do with her.

She couldn't control her tears like she was once able to.

"You alright back there, sweetheart?" Ethan asked, turning his head around to look at the sobbing girl.

She looked into his eyes, avoiding his question. "Where are you taking me?"

He laughed. "Now, that's a surprise."

Violet debated her ways of escape, but she wasn't sure if it was worth it. He would keep finding her every time.

After a while of driving, the car finally came to a stop. Ethan got out of his seat, and Violet was contemplating if she should escape.

But he must of read her mind, because he found her car door rather quick. He opened it, and offered a hand, which Violet ignored.

She stepped out of the car herself, and looked around in confusion. She didn't recognize the area she was in at all.

He led her into an apartment that was bland and unfamiliar. He motioned to the couch where she uncomfortablely sat down.

"So...?" he said.

"So what?" Violet asked, her arms crossed.

"It's just me and you. You're mine."

Violet shivered. Was this really what the Ghostface mess has come down to? The killer being in love with her so he brings her somewhere no one will find her?

Was she his? She had nowhere to go, nowhere to run.

Chad was gone. Who knew were Tara and Sam were? She hadn't seen Mindy, Kirby, or Gale in the hospital in days.

Ethan could of killed them, and she wouldn't have known. "Am I?"

He nodded. "You are."

"Prove it."


"I said prove it. You haven't done anything for me besides kill the people I love. You don't deserve me. You don't deserve me to be yours," she spat.

Ethan looked annoyed, but suddenly smirked. "You want me to prove it?"

He sat down on the couch next to her, and stared at her before almost launching himself onto her. "I'll prove it."

He pressed his lips against hers roughly, and she knew that this was not what she meant.

But it was what he meant.

Published: May 20th, 2023

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