15-"Is He Gone?"

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Violet couldn't fight back his affection. She was too weak, thinking about Chad's limp body lying there on the ground.

"Ethan that's enough," she finally said.

"Really? I could do this forever," he smirked, leaning in again.

"I gave you what you wanted!"

"I don't have what I want yet. And that's you."

Violet's fist went into his face. He gasped and then she kicked him in the stomach. He looked down at his chest and held it.

She ran as fast as she could, searching the room for Tara and Sam. "Tara! Sam!"

Violet originally wanted to kill the person who killed Chad. The person who killed Anika. But she never thought it would someone as close to her as Ethan was.

She wished it was anyone but him.

Her eyes widened she saw Quinn's bloody body at the top of the theater. Baileys's was lying just underneath it, stab wound all over, and even in the eye.

"Violet? Where were you?" Tara asked, her older sister following behind her.

"Uh, I-"

Ethan emerged from the hallway, grabbing her, and pointing a knife at Kirby who was now weakly moving on the ground again.

"You let me leave and take Violet with me, or everyone here dies," Ethan threatened.

He kicked Kirby's gun from the ground into his hands. "No!" Sam yelled.

Violet nodded. "Sam, it's ok."

Sam shook her head angrily, almost ready to king at Ethan. "So what? You don't care about Richie anymore?"

Ethan looked back at his family's bodies. "The rest of my family's gone. I never said I was going to leave you alone. But at least I can keep what's mine."

He looked down at Violet. "Isn't that right, sweetheart?"

She looked away from him.

Ethan disappeared into the darkness, holding Violet at knifepoint as he walked away. She stayed silently, sobbing while thinking about Chad.

When she walked out of the shrine with him, she assumed he was going to treat her terribly. She assumed he would stay with her, and she would end up loving him. Or even get away with the murders he committed.

But Sam must of followed them, because Violet heard two gunshots behind her. She turned around and saw Ethan holding his chest.

"Ethan," she whispered.

"Stay away from her!" Tara echoed, stabbing him right in the chest.

He fell to the ground and Violet wasn't sure whether to celebrate or cry. She felt free, but also depressed.

He didn't even try and get up. He seemed almost lifeless.

"Is he gone?" Violet asked.

Sam softly nodded, knowing how upset Violet must be. She never knew about her and Ethan's romance, but she knew they were close "friends". 

And especially since they all assumed Chad to be dead.

They left Ethan's body, Violet hesitantly following along. They went in search for Chad's body.

Tara called the police.

Violet wasn't sure what to do next.

Published:May 16th, 2023

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