10-"Is It Just Me?"

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Violet was cuddled onto Chad's lap as Ethan awkwardly sat across from the couple. Ethan was eating out of a Cheetos bag, which he already had offered to Chad multiple times, in which Chad had occasionally accepted.

She was stuck in the middle of a love triangle with her boyfriend and a serial killer. But she didn't know the boy was a serial killer, so she couldn't protect herself from harm.

And how Violet loved Chad. But she couldn't help herself but feel a little curious as to how a relationship between her and Ethan would go. Would they work out?

Sam and Tara were outside, waiting for the killer to call Sam's phone so Kirby could trace the call. Everyone had been waiting for hours.

"Are we sure this is going to work? I mean Chad and I's Uncle Randy was in broad daylight, surrounded by people and then dragged into a van. Stab, stab, stab, no more Randy!" Mindy said.

Everyone exchanged uncomfortable glances and then looked at Mindy in shock. "Wow," was all Violet could say with a small laugh.

Ethan wished she would keep talking forever. Anything to hear her voice.

"Ghostface called! Shush!" Kirby announced.

Violet listened to Ghostface threaten Sam and Tara on the other end of the line and then hang up.

"Where is he?" Violet asked impatiently.

"He's halfway across the city... at an apartment-"

Violet just noticed that Tara was now in the police van. "West 96th?" She blurted.

"Yeah? How'd you know?"


Tara immediately sprinted out of the van, taking her sister with her. Bailey yelled at them to stay away from his official police car, but they didn't listen. They just drove off to Gale's at full speed.

"I'm so worried about her," Violet said, tears slowly falling out of her eyes.

Everyone was now standing outside of the van, and Bailey was sending as many officers as he could to Gale's apartment.

"Shh, it's ok," Chad said, trying to comfort her.

"I love Gale. We're not related in any way, but it has always felt like we were apart of the same messed up family."

"I'm so sorry," Chad repeated.

"Chad, can we talk?" Mindy requested.

Mindy and Chad went off together and Bailey and Kirby chatted about their situation off in the distance. That just left Violet and Ethan standing in front of the police van.

Neither of them were ready to admit that there was undeniable tension between them. Their faces were close and Violet felt herself slowly backing up against the van as Ethan attractively walked towards her.

It was almost as if he was copying her gesture at the crime scene earlier. Neither of them had said a word yet.

"Ethan," she said as he ran a hand through her hair.


That's all he could say? Violet wasn't sure what to do.

"Ethan," she repeated.

Violet wasn't sure if they were just going to say each other's names and stare into each other's eyes for the next hour.

"Is it just me?" Ethan asked.

"Is what just you?"

"The tension, the feelings, between us."

Violet just shook her head. She had always been loyal to Chad, and she wasn't planning to betray him for a boy she met only months ago.

But that boy she met a few months ago was very, very special.

"It's just you. I'm with Chad, and you know that."

She tried to sound strong, certain, and believable. But Ethan didn't believe her. He knew he was making her fall for him.

"Is it?" he whispered.

"Please. You know I don't want this."

She was ultimately trapped between him and the van. She had nowhere to go, and no place to reject him.

He didn't seem to agree with her.

"Chad's your best friend, E. How could you do this to him?"

Ethan just shook his head. "Chad, this. Chad, that. I love the guy, but I can't let him come between us."

"There is no us."

Ouch. Ethan knew he was going to get her feelings out of her.

"Not yet." His breath was hot in her ear.

"I'm happy. I'm happy with Chad."

"Yeah, but just listen-"

"Hello?" Kirby said, standing and watching the scene unravel. Ethan and Violet looked at each other, and she realized she had unawarely put her hand on his chest.

They backed away from each other and faced Kirby.

She looked at Violet with an eyebrow raised. "Maybe I read the room wrong, but aren't you dating the other guy, Chad?"

Violet looked at Ethan in annoyance. "No you're right. I am dating Chad. Someone doesn't understand that."

"Well I don't want to get in between any drama-" Kirby started.

"You know you liked it," Ethan interrupted.

She punched his shoulder lightly. "In your dreams, Landry."

"You probably dream about me," he smirked.

She was now the one to get closer to him first. "Not true."

"Only if you say so, sweetheart."

Kirby just walked in between them, trying to break whatever was happening up. "Geez, what did Chad do for this to happen?" she mumbled.

"No! Nothing! I swear, this just isn't what it looks like!"

Perfect, he was already turning her away from her lover and her friends.

"What's your name?" Kirby whispered into his ear.

"Ethan Landry," he whispered back.

"I'm Team Ethan," she shrugged walling away, close enough to Bailey that he could hear.

Violet wondered where Chad and Mindy were, and what they would think of this.

"Team Ethan?" Bailey questioned.

The detective shot his son a knowing glance.

"Yep," Kirby smiled.

"Huh," Bailey said, clearly frustrated about something.

Published: May 11th, 2023

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