4-"New Boyfriend Already?"

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Violet had a full panic attack when she woke up the next morning. Last night, the fact that Ghostface was back didn't really sink in. She was tired, and she was drunk.

But this morning, the alcohol wasn't the only thing that hit her like a train. The murderer that ruined her life was back.

She was crying, and she hadn't even gotten out of bed. Sarah was already gone. She shakily grabbed her phone, and it began to ring.

Ethan was calling. She immediately picked up.

"Ethan?" her dry voice said.

"V, you alright? You sound like you were crying."

He sounded really worried.

"Yeah... I guess last night I didn't realize how upset I was about Ghostface coming back. I'm terrified of him. Richie and Amber destroyed me, and Amber broke my trust forever."

"Besides being Ghostface... what else did Amber do? It sounds like more."

Ethan really wanted to know what happened to her last year in Woodsboro. Violet really didn't like talking about it. It made her feel weak, and it made her feel guilty for killing her best friend.

"Amber was my best friend. But she revealed herself and stabbed me everywhere," Violet explained, holding back more tears.

Amber didn't deserve to have tears shed for her, even though they already were back in Woodsboro in 2022.

"I'm coming over."


He hung up with no explanation. Violet wondered if he was actually coming over. She even wondered if this was wrong since she was dating Chad, his roommate.

But she told herself it was fine. They were just friends. There was a soft knock at her door and she answered it, trying to wipe away the tears on her pale face.

"Violet..." He gasped when he saw her crying.

Ethan and Violet sat on Violet's bed, and she felt him hold her hand. She let him do it too. She needed someone to comfort her.

They sat in silence for minutes at a time, both wondering what they should say to the other. The silence wasn't awkward though, it was comfortable. They felt comfortable together.

"I-were you close with Richie too?"

Ethan wanted to know if she was really involved with his brother's death.

"Not really. I only really knew him because he always hung out when Sam was around. He seemed nice enough, but I didn't really care that Sam killed him. I just watched her take one final stab at his body. I didn't like seeing someone die, but he deserved it."

Ethan thought he didn't deserve it. He didn't deserve to die so soon. But he couldn't let her know he thought that.

"Yeah. Him and Amber were such psychos."

The door creaked open, and Sarah looked at Violet and then Ethan. "New boyfriend already?" she said in a bit of a snarky tone.

Violet's face was slightly flushed, but Ethan's cheeks were blood colored.

"No, no, he's just a friend," she reassured Sarah.

Her eyes knowingly glanced at their intertwined hands. "Yeah, alright. I'm just grabbing my bag and then going."

She did just that and left while shooting a small smirk in my direction.

"Do you think Chad will be mad?" Violet asked Ethan, now questioning her decision to let him come over.

"Who cares? It's not like we're doing anything."

They continued to hang out until Ethan had to go, and Violet sat on her bed, biting her lip. Her and Ethan did get pretty close. And honestly, she felt even more comforted by him then she did for Chad.

But she was with Chad, and she loved him. Ethan was just a friend. Just a friend...

Ethan showed up at his dad's apartment angrier than ever. His sister was already sitting on the couch. They had agreed to meet in secret like this every so often to discuss their plans as Ghostface.

"I am so ready to kill Chad!" he shouted like a maniac, an evil glint in his eyes.

Quinn turned to him and rolled her eyes. "Let me guess, it's because of that stupid girl?"

Detective Bailey entered the living room. "Which girl?"

Ethan blushed quietly to himself. His dad didn't know about his huge crush on Violet Whitney yet. He figured he'd be mad since she was a distraction to him.

"Violet! You know one of the people we are trying to kill?!" Quinn explained, annoyed.

"Isn't she Woodsboro?"

Ethan nodded, as if he knew what his dad was about to say.

"So she had to do with Richie's death?"

"No! She didn't stop it, but didn't help kill him either!"

Bailey shook his head. His son was head over heels for a girl that was already taken that he had only met months ago.

"She's dating Chad, Ethan! She's not even worth it," Quinn repeated.

"She may be Chad's right now, but she'll be mine soon, I swear. And once she's mine, I can convince her to be on our side."

Bailey raised an eyebrow. "And if she doesn't listen?"

"Oh, she'll listen. Even if she doesn't willingly do it."

Published: May 7th, 2023

soon you'll be mine•ethan landry✓Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora