1-"I Want Her"

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Violet was never one to trust easily. She made friends in Woodsboro the easiest she ever had. She had lived there her whole life and met her best friends only two years ago in that very town.

She first became close with Tara Carpenter and Amber Freeman. Those people brought her to Liv, Wes, Chad, and Mindy, along with Tara's older sister, Sam.

Life had been perfect in Woodsboro ever since Violet Whitney met them. Right before the Ghostface attacks started, she began dating Chad Meeks-Martin.

They really love each other, but they were terrified when Ghostface started ambushing people all over Woodsboro. Ghostface specifically targeted their friend group.

Their relationship was all over the place, with the chaos of the killings tampering with their time to spend together. There were times when they didn't even know if they would be alive in the next couple of minutes.

The attacks started off with Tara, sending her to the hospital in critical condition. Violet still remembered how Tara fought Ghostface to her advantage, uses her crutches to smack them on the head.

The attacks only got worse. Violet lost both Liv and Wes, who were killed by both of the Ghostfaces. The worst thing that ever happened was to her was Amber, one of her best friends, revealing herself as one of the Ghostface's along with Sam's boyfriend, Richie.

Violet still had scars from Amber's knife scattered along her her body. It was a constant reminder that she was the one who killed her psycho ex best friend. Amber seemed like a genuine and funny person until she revealed her true craziness.

To get a fresh start, the survivors moved to New York City where most of them started college. Chad got a dorm at Blackmore University, which he shared with a boy named Ethan.

Chad's twin sister, Mindy, found herself a girlfriend, Anika Kayoko. Sam and Tara shared an apartment with a girl named Quinn Bailey.

Violet had her own dorm in Blackmore University, which she shared with a girl named Sarah. They're friends, but not extremely close.

Chad and Violet are doing well. She isn't sure how close Chad and his roommate Ethan Landry are, but she figured that they must be close enough since Chad told her Ethan was going to meet the rest of the friend group today.

Violet is nervous to have an addition to her friend group, because the incident back in Woodsboro showed her that you can't trust everyone, even if they are the person you are closest with.

However, she knows that this is important to Chad, and she was excited to hang out with her boyfriend. Violet straightened her long hair, and did her makeup while listening to music in her AirPods.

Her outfit is gorgeous, as said by Anika when she entered Mindy's apartment. Anika has always been great at giving compliments and making  everyone feel special.

"Where did my brother say to meet up again?" Mindy asked, bored to death on her bed.

"Somewhere in Central Park. He sent me the location."

Anika nodded and grabbed her bag. "Ready?" she asked, turning to her girlfriend.

Mindy nodded, and the three of them got in the car to travel to where they would meet Chad, Ethan, Tara, Sam, and Quinn.

Violet quietly sung along to the radio while Mindy screamed the lyrics to every song. Anika just laughed at her girlfriend while scrolling through apps on her phone.

The car stopped right in front of Central Park.  The girls got out and walked to the area that had benches where they saw the boys and sisters standing at from a distance.

When Violet could see Chad clearly, she ran into his arms. When she saw who she assumed to be Ethan staring at her, she backed away a bit.

Violet can't quite make out what they are saying, but from a distance Anika and Ethan were introducing themselves.

"Who's that?" Ethan whispered to Anika, uncontrollably staring at Violet.

"Violet Whitney."

Before responding, the curly-haired boy stared at Violet some more. She has to be the most beautiful girl he's ever seen. He's still whispering while speaking to Anika, careful that she won't hear him from all the way over there.

"She's beautiful, I want her," he spoke in a trance.

Anika laughed in his face. "I can't believe you just said that out loud. That's Chad's girlfriend."

He doesn't care. He wants her for himself.

Ethan was lightly shoved by Anika to meet everyone else. He gave a small wave to Tara and Sam who he already knew, and then he introduced himself to Mindy and Quinn.

The last person he came to talk to was Violet. They always say it's best to save best for last.

"Hey, I'm Ethan Landry," he greeted.

Violet gave him a small smile. "I'm Violet Whitney."

They chatted for a bit, and Ethan soaked up every word she said. Chad was lucky, almost too lucky. He felt a bit of guilt taking a liking to her, but he just wanted her all for himself.

The friend group walked around Central Park together, and Ethan fit right in. He attends their hangouts almost every day now. It's like he is Woodsboro.

It has been a few months since him and Violet first met.

He always tries to make time for him and her alone. Their bond grew stronger, but she was still Chad's to love.

He would change that.

Published: May 4th, 2023
Edited: April 28th, 2024

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