Chapter 39: My Mom

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"I can't believe Seth put me through spending a life with you only for you to end up like this. I was trying to kill you Jessie!" She said as she suddenly stood up.

"I don't know what you mean? What wrong with me?" Jessie said confused. The sand beneath him felt uneven as he stepped back.

"You have no backbone! I tried to make you cold! To learn how to hate! To take advantage of what you have and you feel remorse?" She said her face twisted in a way he knew all too well.

"I gave up so much of my life in the hopes that my son could become great and to see his pet project like this makes me sick." She said spitting every word at Jessie.

"Pet project? What do you mean by pet project?" Jessie said confused.

"You Jessie! It's always been about you! Our lives became wrapped in trying to undo what your father did all those years ago and for what! For you to be this sniveling mess, a sorry excuse for a man!" She said as stuck her finger in his chest.

"I'm not understanding anything you're saying to me!" Jessie said as he took another step back.

"I bet it's because of those damn friends of yours, I told Seth it was a bad idea and that we should have taken care of them from the start but noooo." She said as pulled her hand back.

She balled her hand into a fist and pounded on Jessie's chest.

"Friends? Are you talking about Rose and Travis? You wanted them taken care of?!" Jessie said as he felt his anger rise.

"He must have felt pity for you and that's why he let you play human. To pretend you're something you're not!" She said as she brought down her fist once again.

Before her fist connected Jessie grabbed her wrist and pulled. He raised her arm sharply dragging her away from him.

He could feel his temper rising the longer he looked at her. She looked at him in confusion as she rubbed her wrist.

"You've treated me like dirt from the moment I came into this world and you're disappointed in me! Get your head out of your ass mom!" He yelled.

Years of built up resentment reared it's ugly head as Jessie took one last look at his Mother. He stared down a skinny sickly woman as she stared back with scared blue eyes. He looked at her cracked skin filled with blisters and boils.

"You loved having a good time more than having a son! I can't count how many times I've been left alone for weeks on one of your party binges, I was a child!" He screamed.

"Why didn't you love me! Was I a bad son?! What could I have done to be better?" He pleaded.

A long silence left him feeling empty. The sounds of the waves crashing onto shore were his only reminder he wasn't alone.

"I don't know what I expected to be honest." He said breaking the silence.

He turned towards the ocean feeling the cold ocean breeze.

"I wanted you to be more than you ever could be and thats my bad. I guess wanting you to be a loving mom was not possible." He said as he walked towards the water.

"Jessie wait!" His mother cried out.

"Both my parents were huge let downs, but I at least had one sliver of a real family. I'm gonna find out what happened to Seth, and I'm gonna bring that clown down to the Void." Jessie said quietly.

"Where do you think you're going?!" His mother yelled from behind him.

He didn't answer.

"You are a coward Jessie! Running away once again. When are you ever gonna realize that you can't keep running away from me!" She screamed at him.

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