Before you start reading

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Heyyy! I want you to know before you start reading this book that this story is written and dedicated to my best friend, Ava who has a BIG obsession to Miguel Angel Cararez Mora. I'm not a fan of his, but 1 month ago, me and Ava started chatting on Instagram and this idea came up to my mind, so I decided to write it. I hope you like it and keep in mind that it's my first book that I'm writing and even more because it's in English since it is not my mother tongue.
As you can see from my profile, I'm a huge Michael Jackson fan (and of course Janet Jackson's too). When I finish this book I will most likely write stories with Michael and they will be in English.
Sooo... Yeah that's it! Please don't hate. If you like my story, please vote and comment. Enjoy reading!!!

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