Trick of the Light ~ Ch63

Start from the beginning

It touched the slime puddle, creating a faded memory against it that I could watch from where I sat. I realised that this curse must be powerful to be able to do such a jujutsu. I watched the reflection, showing a small grey curse being exorsised by a spear. It was split in half with a loud screech, Maki appearing behind it once the ashes deteriorated from the air. She was back in Tokyo. I should have known.

"Your child?" I asked once the memory dissapeared, the slime returning back to it's clear blue colour. The curse nodded  at me, not even looking me in the eye.
"Do you wish to die then?" I questioned it sadly, my question more of a guess. I've encountered a curse like this before, where its twin was exorsised- that curse wanted the same fate. I begrudgingly let it to Gojo's sights, where he gabe it a swift end.

The curse nodded at me, making me bit the inside of my check so hard that I muat have drawn blood. My heart beat frantically as the metallic tasts spread across my tongue. I leaned forward, placing a delicate and comforting hand on the curse's slippery one.
"I can offer you a better life, you know?" I began softly, making it lift it's head.
"With curses from all over Japan. You'd be happy there. You'd make friends. You can one day get justice for your child. I can offer you all of that." I told it with a small smile.

"But..." I began, my smile slipping.
"If you'd still like to be exorsised, I can alert Yuuji that you're here. He can exorsise you quickly." I told it with a frown, my voice going dark. The curse paused momentarily, it's pained eyes staring down at the table. It was thinking. I didn't rush it. This was completely it's descision. Curses didn't always choose me and I had to be okay with that.

After a long pause, the curse lifted its hand and pointed at me. A heavy weight lifted from my chest, the dread immediately dissapearing as I could only guess what that meant.
"You choose me?" I asked hopefully, making it nod slowly. I sighed in relief before smiling at the curse. I activated my cursed energy and used my nail to slice a small cut into my wrist.

A single droplet of blood seeped out of my cut and I leviatated to towards the curse. It closed it's eyes, readying itself.
"Safe jour-" I was cut off by the sound of the glass door closing shut behind me.
"(Y/n)?" I heard Yuuji ask from behind me. My eyes widened, my heartbeat becoming erratic. I quickly shot the curse through it's core with my blood, sending it to my domain as quickly as I could. It dispersed into the air, not as quickly as I needed it to.

I turned around to face Yuuji, only to see that he was directly beside me.
"Y-Yuu, what're you doing here? What happened to guarding our seats?" I asked him with a nervous soft chuckle. But he didn't find me funny, his eyes locked on the seat that the curse was preveviously sat at.
"I saw you talking to I thought I'd move our stuff closer so you could catch up with them. But..." His hesitation was obvious, clearly unsire what to think about what he'd seen.

"Was that a curse?" Yuuji asked me slowly, his brows furrowed slightly.
"Y-yeah. I exorsised it." I lied, trying to sound as confident as possible.
"Why were you speaking to it?" He asked with confusion. My mouth went dry.
"I was juat telling it t-that I'd be exorsising it now and that it couldn't hurt anyone anymore." I told Yuuji, trying to sound as believable as possible. Yuuji nodded slowly, doubt in his eyes as he looked at the table.

"Are you sure its exorsised?" Yuuji asked me suddenly, making me huff loudly as if I were offended. What would make him ask me such a question?
"Of course it is!" I chuckled nervously, nudging him with my elbow. But he wasn't even looking at me, eyes locked onto the table. He slowly lifted his finger and pointed towards something, making my eyes follow his direction.

That's when I noticed it. The puddle of slime on the table. The reflection. The window that had thousands of curses staring back at us. The curse that I had just welcolmed, at the centre of it all. My eyes went as wide as saucers, panic surging through me. My land moved on it's own, slamming down the puddle with a heavy palm. The reflection went away immediately, dismissed byu  ursed energy. But the memory in Yuuji's mind did not.

"Woah! Sorry! That scared me!" I laughed sheepishly, wiping the smile on my clothes. Yuuji was at a loss for words, not knowing what to say.
"But it was just a trick of the light from the window." I told him, pointing to the reflection against the carriage glass that showed the city of Shinjoku.

Yuuji looked cautious, standing awkwardly beside me. His eyes were still on the table.
"Why don't you go back to our seats? I'll go buy the food now. We have a few more stops left." I suggested nervously.
"Y-yeah. Okay." Yuuji replied nodddimg numbly as he turned around and made his way into our previous carriage. As he left I sagged into my seat.


(A.N ~ Dun dun dun.)

Chapter 64 Quote Teaser :

"Have you come to take me away? Please take me away."

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