"What exactly do you do with your money?" I asked.

"Take care of my mother" she said firmly'

"WAIT I DONT HAVE ANYTHING TO WEAR EITHER!" Trinity yelled jumping on me.

"You have plenty of clothes" I told her.

"Nothing Awardy"

"That's not a word. Plus this is why I have a stylist. I'll just ask for her to bring children wears and ball gowns. She's coming tomorrow anyways so she can get my size. "I said.

"Awe man I wanted to go shopping." Trinity pouted.

"Yea I bet. Wanna make daddy go broke"

"Thats why the checks keeps coming in as long as you play" she answered before going back to Farrah.


After taking Trinity to school I went to Chipotle where I was meeting up Riley. It's been a month and some days since we been on these little dates. My mother was so happy to hear that I have given him another chance.

"Hey Riley" I said as I sat down across from him.

"Hey Farrah you look beautiful" he said.

I look down at my basic ass outfit. It was a simple tan strapless body fitting dress that I wore with Charlotte's Russe sandals. But that was how Riley was he always complemented me on anything I wore.

"Oh thank you. You don't look too shabby yourself. " I said.

" You wanna go order now or later"

"No cuz soon I'm going to go back to work."

"Alright let's go. How's work anyways"

"It's great um I am going to the Billboard Awards. " I told him.

"Sweet! Aren't you lucky. " he said

"Perks of working with a NFL player"

"Damn maybe I went in the wrong industry" he joked.

"What aren't you a graphic designer for housing and buildings and all that cool stuff"

"Yea I build your dream home" he said.

We ordered our food and beverages and went back to our tables. We sat and ate in silence for a little while. I checked my phone and say that Odell had texted me asking what type of dress I was looking for.

Apparently his stylist asked him and he didn't know the answer. The only problem was I didn't know what type of dress I wanted. I wanted something cute comfortable and fancy looking. And that's exactly what u texted him.

"What got you smiling so hard. " Riley ask.

"Odell just ask ask me what type of dress I wanted" I squealed.

"He's buying you a dress. "

"I'm not sure but I don't care."

"I'm sure you'll look lovely in anything. "

"You always know the right thing to say." I told him.

"Keeping that in mind. I wanted to talk to you about us" he said.

"What about us. "

"I wanted to take us to another level. I want us to be officially together. None of this talking nonsense." he said.

"Oh um what do you mean officially together. "

"As in committed to each other." he said.

"See that's the thing I'm not sure if I want a committed relationship now" I said.

Trials and Tribulations with TrinityWhere stories live. Discover now