☃︎ 𝖇𝖑𝖔𝖔𝖉𝖑𝖎𝖓𝖊

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Whatever I'm going to tell Y/N now, I didn't plan on telling her it today.... but it truly makes me upset to know that she is still not over the past and are still suffering. I wants to make her feel better in any way possible.... so far that reason, I decided to tell her the 'Truth' ......today...right now.

She yawns sitting on the couch as I give her a look, how can she be unserious now? I'm going to tell her something serious about her life and here she is yawning. I closed my eyes. I meet her eyes as I opened my mouth to speak the truth.

"You are not from Jeon family" I said looking down, thinking that she is gonna have another shocking news. The silence took over the room for a minute before I hear her chuckling. Over what?!

For a minute I think she lost her sence after getting so much things in her life, but no. I scoffs. "What are laughing of?"

"And here I thought you were gonna tell something serious. But, guess not. Anyways, that was a pretty bad joke" She said brusting out a laugh. But stop laughing when she sees my expression. She sit back straight seeing me, looking deadly serious right now.

"You really think I am joking Huhh?" I says walking closer to her before looking at her dead in the eyes.

"You are not from the Jeon family, Y/N"


"You are not from the Jeon family, your real family is Kang family"

"N-No.... You are lying! T-This can't be real! The whole Kang family died 20 years ago. I can't be one of them!" She tried to smile, scaning my face.

"It's true that the whole Kang family died 20 years ago but except you. You didn't with them because your parents saved you"

"They left you in front of the door of the house when you were only one month year old. They sacrifice their lives for you Y/N! Just for you!"

"I-I" She tried to speak but she didn't speak. She glared at me. "Leave me alone" She pushed me away from her and run upstairs to her room.


Two days... Two days of stress and an unknown fear which I can't properly describe but yes it's similar to betrayed. If the thing Jimin told me was real then I will drown in the waters of deceit. The Betrayal I've been living with since childhood.

I stopped my car, my hands still on the steering wheel, my tears fell and dried on my skinny jeans. I got out from my car and head towards my home, the home I have spend my all childhood. I gulp down and open the door and entered in.

I was just standing on the porch, re-thinking is it right to ask my mom about what Jimin said earlier. "Uhh look who's here?" An amusement face and shocked expression written on her face, she is standing in front of me, smiling cheekily towards me. "M-mom-" I chocked on my voice as tears dropped down from my face continuously, I do not have control on them.

She smiles as some liquid crystal shines under her eyes. She hugs me, the nostalgic feelings run into me as the fragrance of her hits on my nostrils. I hug her back tightly. "Oh my dear, you didn't come here to meet from very long time. You know how much I am scared for you?" I didn't said anything and just lowered my head.

She hold my hand. "Okay stop crying let's go inside first" I nodded. She dragged me into the living room.

As I entered in I see Jungkook laying on couch while scrolling through the channels. His eyes meets mine as he sits back. "What are you doing here?" He asked confused. "Yahh, she is your sister, behave" She warned him and he sighed. She smiles and told me take a seat while she leaves to grab some snacks for us.

"Ugh! Aish! She definitely loves you more than me" I glare at him.

"How can you be so sure about that?" He scoffs.

"Can't you see, how much she gets happy when she sees you here? Afterall you are older one so yeah her all attention is on you" He shrugged nonchalantly continuing scrolling through the channels. I stand and walked towards the kitchen.

"Mom!" I speak out, she turned back to me. She smiles again. "Uhh Why are you here? Just sit there I'm coming"

"Ummm I'm here to know something about-" She looked at me.

"About What?" She asked confused. I pause for a minute as her eyes are on me. I hesitate to proceed and asked her. Even if what Jimin said is real, there's no reason I can blame her for that. I mean she really gave me more love, happiness than my real mother. She loves me more than my real parents. What's wrong if she didn't give birth to me? She is still my mother, who raised me that big.

"What's wrong?" Her voice bring me back. I shook my head. "I'm going-" I run outside the kitchen to leaves the house.

"Y/n- wait. Y/N-"

I got into my car and drive to my home before she comes and ask me what's wrong with me.

I sit on the edge of my bed. Jimin was standing infront of me crossing his arms and glaring at me.

"Whatever you told me is real, right" I asks.

"You are the last one of that bloodline Y/N!"

"Why did I have to be the last one? Why didn't I just die with them? WHY?" I squealed, my eyes filled with the tears. He sighed.

"Everyone has a purpose of living. You have your own purpose of living, your own destiny to purpose" He said uncrossing his arms.

Maybe he was right, Maybe this is written to be happened with me. Maybe I'm the one from prophecy. Maybe....

"I guess you are right..." I tell him. "You once told me that you can show people the past. Can you show me what actually happened that day?"

"Ummm I am capable of showing you the past. But... I'm prohibited to do that I can't use that ability of mine without god's permission"

"I see...." I look down in disappointment.


I wanted to do something. I desperately wanted to show her the past but it's not in my hand. I also wished that I could tell her what exactly happened that day out the thing is, she herself doesn't know. Trying to find a solution of this, an idea came across in my mind and I nodded to myself, ready to tell her.

"I can't show you the past but I can show you the present" She look up at me in utter confusion.

"What do you mean? This is the present time and they are dead"

"They are only dead in the mortal world"

"Huhh? Are you saying that you will take me to the immortal world?" I chuckled.

"No but somewhere in between"

"What-?!" Suddenly she stops talking and hold her head. Before she could say anything, her eyes got closed and she fainted.

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝙹𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗 | 1𝚜𝚝 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now