☃︎ 𝖈𝖆𝖚𝖙𝖎𝖔𝖚𝖘 𝖘𝖙𝖊𝖕𝖘

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Walking along with Jimin, we both are progressing forward steadily. This is dangerous route we both are taking. It may cost us our lives.

The life I just started to live.... living with him, one of the prettiest angels I have ever seen. No, I am not going to lose this life. We have got only one life and we have to live it fully... Not for someone but for ourselves... Just for once....!

We are walking through the frozen river that could break in any moment. It's told that this river has been frozen solid for over a hundred years now. But still, who knows when it might break.

"Hey hold my hand, will ya? Let's not get separated it the ice break" Jimin extended his hand back towards me as he sees me nervous walking over the frozen river.

"Hmm, yeah!" I nodded, grabbing his hands tightly. We both interwined our hands, interlocking fingers together firmly as we two advance ahead. I wrap my arms around his arms, holding him closer to me.

My heart was not giving me any encouragement to walk on the top of frozen river not even my mind. All my attention is on the frozen ice beneath me. I gulp assuming that it cannot go wrong.

Well, I guess no... Just after a few steps, I hear the particular sound I wished to not hear. The sound of the glacier breaking apart.....

My eyes went wide as I utter. "How is the glacier breaking? I don't get it?" I turned slowly back to looked at the frozen ice from where we started walking.

"I don't understand how it did either?" His voice make contact with my ears. I turned to him. I felt him scared as much as me. My throat tightened up as I turned back to look at the crack, hoping it was just an illusion we had.

As if the situation wasn't worse already, the sound of ice cracking beneath us was audible to my ears. Crap! Iceberg started breaking glacier as they fall onto the river at full speed.

My eyes meet to Jimin as I hold is hand in mine more tightly. Not want to get separated from him by any chance.

The sound of cracking gets loud as the layer of the frozen ice on river started to break into two pieces. Everything happened so fast, that we both barely had time to react. Within a second, the glacier fully melted and the frozen river was nearly no longer frozen. We both were holding onto a piece of the broken ice.

"Y/N! Don't get out of my sight, okay? Stay close?" He said. I looked at him.

The feeling of scared... Scared to lose someone.... I saw it.... In his eyes. I hold him closely, pulling him in a hug. "I will not!" I whispered in his ear. His hands pulled me close to him.

Suddenly, a huge amount of water splash over on us and we both got separate.... The hands we are holding... was now getting separated by a sudden splash of water. The cold water pushed me back on the thin layer of frozen ice.

Luckily, I quickly found another broken piece of ice to hold onto. But as if this icy plane hates me, a big amount of flow went through the river, submerging us two. We both were being led to different directions.

Oh no!

The layer under started to moving, as it started to melt into the cold water lava. The pace of my heartbeat rise, I looked around me, finding evidence of Jimin... but can't find nothing.


The last words slipped from my mouth before sunk down into the cold deep water.....





"I WILL FIND YOU Y/N! NO MATTER WHAT! Just don't give up on me okay.....?"

It Hurts....

It's Hard...


Breath Sometimes

𝐏𝐫𝐨𝐩𝐡𝐞𝐜𝐲 𝐎𝐟 𝐖𝐢𝐧𝐭𝐞𝐫 | 𝙹𝚒𝚖𝚒𝚗 | 1𝚜𝚝 𝙱𝚘𝚘𝚔Where stories live. Discover now