Missed Call

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While Becky was talking with Noey in the hallway about her plan of confessing, Freen went to the school playground instead of the girls room. She was dripping wet because as she was making her way out of the hallway, a bunch of school bullies threw water balloons at her, but she didn't give a damn care. Right after her arguement with Irin, the bullies started bothering her again. She continued walking until she arrived at the school playground, she sat under a huge tree and started crying her heart out.

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Freen hugged her legs tightly, she buried her head in between her knees. She was crying really hard.

I was wrong. Becky~ Becky is n-not into me. I-I thought that somehow she feels the same way about me. *remembering all the sweet moments that she and Becky shared* B-but, I was wrong. All this time, I was crazy about her. Admiring her and loving her from afar. I'm so stupid *sniff.sniff* all this time I was just fooling myself, believing a lie. She~ she just let Irin say all those bad things to me. If it wasn't for Noey, I don't know what else would Irin have said against me. Irin humilliated me, she humiliated my family in front of the whole school but Becky didn't do anything. *tears falling like waterfalls* The fact that my family likes her, they love her. My Mae treated her as her own daughter, my Grandma treated her like her own granddaughter and my little sister love her as if they were biological sisters. And me, I love her with all my heart. I thought of confessing my feelings for her but I didn't, I was afraid. My decision was right because if I did, I would be badly hurt. A lot worse than what I'm feeling right now. *snif.sniff* Bec.. You said... You said that you're always here for me whenever I need you. *crumples a piece of paper* You promised me that you will never let anyone hurt me. *cries hard* All the things you told me, all the things you wrote in this letter. They were all lies.

Freen stared at her hand, she was holding a crumpled piece of paper. But it wasn't an ordinary pieces of paper, it was a letter. A letter that Becky wrote. Becky gave it to her the day before she went home after the storm.

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