13 | Mental Connection

Start from the beginning

"Cut the bullshit, Azrael. I'm not here for small talk." Tozgal was in no mood to deal with Azrael's foolishness.

Azrael's smirk grew. "You're no fun, Tozgal. What happened to that sense of humor I fondly remember?"

"Thousands of years imprisoned in a Coffin of Eternal Darkness tends to suck the life out of you." Tozgal's jaw tightened at the thought of that hellish place.

"That's right. The demon race was scolded like a child and thrown into timeout for misbehaving." Azrael recalled hearing about what happened all those years ago when the humans and goddesses banded together to defeat them. "If it's revenge you're looking for, then you've come to the right place. As you know, I have no qualms involving myself when it comes to those wretched bastards. You can slaughter all the goddesses you want, but Mael and Ludociel are mine."

"Mael? Are you crazy? Mael's dead." Tozgal could've sworn to see the slightest falter in Azrael's smug expression. He'd been surprised by what had been said, and Tozgal briefly pitied him. "You...didn't know, did you?"

Azrael shrugged then, whatever feelings he had swept under the rug. "How unfortunate. I was hoping to be the one to watch the light leave his eyes." Azrael closed his own eyes and appeared to be in deep thought. "If it wasn't me to kill him, who had the pleasure?"

"Estarossa, now—" Tozgal attempted to move on from the current conversation, but got roped back in.

"Who?" Azrael wasn't familiar with the name.

"Come on, Estarossa? Meliodas and Zeldris's brother?"

"And from where did this third son spring up from?"

"That's not important now!" Tozgal didn't care to discuss the matter.

Azrael pondered some more. "Curious. This 'Estarossa' isn't ringing any bells. I can't put a face to that name and it's making me question why."

"Azrael, focus." Azrael hummed, meeting Tozgal's eyes.  "Obsidian's in trouble and we need your help to go up against Meliodas."

"Don't tell me the Commandments are too afraid to face him themselves." Azrael was amused by the thought. "Zeldris always was such a weak leader. It's a shame, really. If Meliodas wasn't such a disappointment, he'd be a much better prince."

Tozgal grunted impatiently. "Azrael! There's no time for your petty comments! We need to get to Obsidian!"

"I'm well aware of the situation. Melascula was kind enough to fill me in on all the details. Don't worry your pretty little head about it, Tozgal. I'll kill Meliodas myself."

"We need to work together," Tozgal urged.

"Together?" Azrael repeated, narrowing his eyes. "For what reason? None of you are even close to Meliodas in terms of strength. None of you prove a real challenge for him, just a tease. I'll do better on my own."

"And what am I to tell Zeldris? Or Iris? She'll be disappointed to not fight by your side."

"Please, we both know Iris isn't much of a fighter. She'd only slow me down."

"Come on, Azrael."

"What part of 'on my own' do you not seem to understand?" Azrael arched an eyebrow, not understanding what was so hard to comprehend.

A vein pulsed in Tozgal's forehead as he grabbed Azrael. "Listen here, shithead! As highly as you think of yourself, you're no match for Meliodas. You're not who you used to be, Azrael, so stop being stubborn and help us! That's my sister out there, so if you think I'm just gonna let you waste my time—"

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