Epilogue 2499 april 12th

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He kept running.

The screams of his co-workers were in his head, the pain.

When he was running through the laboratory hallways, he saw a friend he knew . . . his stomach was sliced open by one of the creatures.

The razor sharp claws had cleanly sliced it open.

His guts had been spilled along the floor.

It was terrifying.

But he felt angry, very . . . very angry.

He wanted all humans to die.

Humans did not deserve to live on this planet.

They are all cruel and greedy bastards.

He was running up the hill that was about 1500 meters away from the base.

The sunlight shone down to the ground.

It was shining bright on the grass, making it greener then it actually was.

He kept running, using his hands for extra balance to keep running.

Trying not to collapse.

He heard the loud, ear splitting screeches of the creatures.

He was afraid of dying, from the creatures, but if he does, he hopes it is painless and quick . . .

He hopes he does not get his stomach cut open . . . or his face spat on with venom.

That was what the creature had . . .

Venom, from its tail, and its mouth.

He knew exactly what the DNA make-up for the creature was.

But that information was only known for . . . 15 people.

He has a feeling that most of those people have been killed in some . . . gruesome ways.

I knew genetic engineering was a mistake.

The only reason why I joined them was because I was curious about what kind of crap they were doing with DNA.

Have you ever heard of the 1990s movie Jurassic park?

It was originally a book in the year 1990, three years later the movie adaption came out, and became a famous film because of how realistic it was.

No I was not talking about the motherloving CGI, although that was good too.

But it was about how they had cloned dinosaurs with genetic engineering.

Starts out all great showing the wonder of everything, but then everything then goes to shit.

Genetic Engineering is not to be used.

It should have never been used.

The creators will be killed by their genetically coded creatures.

The creatures have escaped, killing everyone.

It was going to happen sooner or later, like a power outage (Like what happened in Jurassic park) or an escape.

He had just assisted the inevitable.

It had already escaped, at least 4 of them in 2492 . . . March 7th 2492 . . .

7 years ago.

They just kept multiplying.

We should have kept them one gender.

Male or female, to prevent that from happening.

But now they will escape, multiply at a rapid rate around the globe, and all humans will die in a few decades.

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