Chapter 1- 2552

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I woke up with a startle.

Nearly banging my head on the top of the bunk.

I am a white male with Purple eyes, and dark hair, 5 '10 and age . . . I did not know my actual age, but I would assume 15, or something like that range, but for all I know I could be 20, but whatever.

I was in somewhat nice clothing.

A shirt, and jeans, it was changed every month.

Then of course the sweater I had.

I Took a deep breath and laid my head back against the makeshift pillow, which was just a blanket that I had folded to be able to sleep at night, It worked, not the best, especially with no blanket to sleep in since I had to use something, but I never had any reason to complain, I am in a safe area, away from the Bio weapons, but there are rumors they don't actually exist and the government are trying to control us.

What Crap do I believe in? I don't believe they are real but better safe than sorry.

I blinked a few times, trying to wake up for breakfast.

I wonder what it is, not like there are many options, Although the scrambled eggs are my favorite, but if you are not behaved you get no food for breakfast. I never have done anything, but what I do is just sneak food from the kitchen to have as a midnight snack.

If I ever got caught doing that, I probably would have to have more studies, and no food for a day or two.

That's why I don't do it often.

I look around seeing the usual bunk beds with other people my age, except asleep.

We were born in a world where everything was crap and hell.

There are an estimated 800 million people in the world, 10 Million in this city, although before all this I heard it used to be so normal, and safe and prosperous, But I don't believe it, we are human after all.

The population went from flourishing at 10 Billion to cut down to 800 Million, Or so they say, For all I know we are just being controlled.

I bit my lip as I lifted my arm to look at my watch.

It had been broken a few weeks ago, but I figured out how to fix the old watch.

That is what happens when you actually pay attention to your teachers.

Most people here were born Into the hell we call earth, but a few people were born in the 2470s, 80s, but most of us were born in the 26th century.

My name? Jake.

Just Jake, nobody goes by or cares about family names because who would care about family names when you're in this hell of a life.

At least we have a first name, Something to go by and be called, at least we aren't being called something like "#54242" or something like that.

Do we have parents? Why do you think we don't have Last names?

I do sometimes wish I had a last name, but I heard "parents" can sometimes be a real pain. But most of the time good, But how would I know?
I breathed and looked around again.

These were basically how my mornings went, questioning everything, But never asking anybody, Too much socializing for me, You have to be someone I know alot about to be able to talk to me, Dumb strangers.

Everyone is a stranger to be honest, I am just living life in this Isolated place.

At least you can get stuff from the shop, Like special foods like a bag of crisps and whatnot.

But they're so damn expensive these times, 20 credits a bag. I heard they used to be in the currency of "dollar" and It would be 3 dollars, although I can't exactly pay for that either because I am broke as hell, Not like there are any jobs to do. To be fair on my part.

I am not some lazy person in bed sleeping my sorry life away, I get up and put up with this world.

I should get a bloody medal for surviving a day without any thoughts of Running away, or taking my life away.

Thank you to Myself for finding spare parts, I actually made an Ipod.


Do you know how rare those are? Do they even exist?

It had quite a few songs on it, mostly instrumental, all of the artists are long dead by now though, Not like I can get a signature or anything, If only I was born in the 21st century, or the 20th, Not like those centuries fared any better.

Hence history teachers talking about covid, the Ukraine war, the Black lives matter movement, all in a span of a few years. World war 2 as well as one, cold war.

Compared To now though It was a haven, although the war was harsh.

I got up, carefully and looked around.

There were no windows, Of course there weren't, this damn place isn't supposed to be comfy.

I looked around at the watch.


A few more minutes until the morning curfew, and everybody has to get up and move.

That's why I wake Early, get ahead of everyone else.

I then again wondered back to what was for Breakfast.

I had jeans, not without its holes, but at least they were there.

And I had a plain dark shirt.

No shoes, but I am saving up for them, By snooping around for extra change and all.

I was only a few credits away from it, about 5, it was 40 credits and I had 35.

Pretty close.

I had saved up for a year and a half I believe.

Everything used to be digital money, but after everything went to hellfire everyone went back to actual, physical money.

I wonder what this area was like in the 21st century.

If it was even inhabited then.

Could be, maybe not, Honestly a toss up, Could go either way.

I slipped on my sweater, Which I cherish Because It is the only thing that keeps me warm for once. I found it in the trash, And cleaned it up.

It was a brown color, and I'd just wear it because, again, it kept me warm.

That was when the lights came on.

The Bloody lights.

Then A man, late 30s yelled.

"Wake up you Lazy Kids!"

People had to get up and off their bunks, But the final person up... well They used a taser. Yeah This place is fucked up.

People raced down there bunks,

All I had to do was stand up, luckily.

It was always at least One person who got the tase, this was basically the Norm, A pretty messed up norm but at least we are fed, and sheltered.

Wow I look at the positives today? Okay well that happens rarely for me.

The final person was up 45 seconds later.

His name was Barkley, and he had been the final one before, but that doesn't make it any less pain in the arse from the taser.

The Man had his taser with him.

Barkley already knew, as he cowered to the corner.

The Man seemed taller than his actual height, towering over Barkley.

The taser is switched on, and blue sparks start to fly,

As the tasing starts.

It was at half its power, but still damn Painful, the Boy yelped in pain, And Barkley was a measly age of 13 years old.

I Cover my ears and put my head low.

But the screech of pain rung my eardrums.

BioHazardOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora