Chapter 19

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I woke up to sunlight shining over me.

I opened my eyes, then quickly turned to move away from the window light.

It was bright and it was not fun being woken up by light.

Funny it was from natural light, but still.

I groaned in frustration.

As I stretched my arms.

That was probably one of the best sleeps I have ever had.

No more curfew I have to follow, I can sleep in now.


I slowly got up, as I lifted my head from the pillow.

I bit my lip.

I slid to the side of the bed.

On the left side, my back to the door.
I notice Maeve was not in her bed, or there at all.

I wonder where she had gone.

I got up and looked through the window.

I see the light from the sun.

It was around 9:00 judging by the sun.

Or at least that is my guess.

This is my first sunrise.

So I have no clue what the actual time was.
I then walk away from the window, as I opened the door that went to the staircase, and there was the door to the bathroom.

I started to walk down the stairs.

It creaked as I stepped down, step by step.

Once I get to the bottom, I look around for Maeve.

Then I hear a window open, from the study.

I stared to the right, seeing the door to the study open.

I got my fists ready, and teeth.

But I wasn't reacting or anything, all I have to do though is scratch them, then the blood would come out, then the reaction would get to me.

I wouldn't have to do it, whatever it is can do it for me when I am wild.

I clenched my fists.

Then I heard a familiar voice.

"I got food."

I relaxed immediately.

As I lowered my fists, and I loosen up.

She turned the corner, she was a little startled by me.

"Oh sorry I thought you knew I was here." I said surprised.

"It's okay."

She had a pigeon at hand, a scratch on its neck, neck snapped.

"I scratched it so I'd react, then I got ourselves breakfast." she lifted the pigeon.

"Thank you." I said.

"I felt a bit guilty doing it, but we do have to eat."

I nodded.


"I guess we just eat it I guess?" she said, thoughtfully.

"Cut in half?"

She put her hands around the small, dead bird, and twisted it, and did this a few times until she heard a snap.

Then she tore it in half.

She seemed sad when she did this.

My eyes dilated.

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