Chapter 27

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The gate opened up.

Hell? They were not even going to ask questions?

Unless they will and they are just going to ask in a secure area of theirs.

I was very hungry, so none of them better be bleeding, I don't want to ruin our shot at a home.

Somewhere safe.

Safe from the infection, and those people.

I am more worried about the people who held us then the infection.

I am an infected.

So hell.

Maeve slowly walked towards the open gate.

The gate was wooden, and fresh.

Not a hint of getting rotten.

About 8 guards went out of the gates, with full body armor and a mask for infection.

Is that because of us? Or just nobody gets outside because of the infection in general?

It seemed too quick to be because of us.

That was a good thing.

"Hurry!" a guard yelled, who was the closest to the gate.

Maeve started to fast pace towards the gate.

I followed a second later.

It seems like we may actually have a home.

Somewhere we can call home at least.

But I don't know that yet.

We ran along the grass barefoot.

Once we got through the gate, I fell to my knees.

The bag on my bag was weighing me down.
I slipped it off, and crumbled to the ground.

Maeve stayed up, wary of all the people around us.

"Look man, these people could be a couple." one said.

That ticked me off.

Just friends fucking hell

I got up and swung a punch at the man who had said that.

I don't know why it had, just so fucking annoying y'know?

Before I could go full force.

Two arms grab my arms.

I was frustrated.

"Look man." the man who spoke to me said.

"I didn't mean anything by it, sorry."

I got less tense.

I stared into his eyes.

"I'd watch it if I were you." I felt the two arms (they were each from different people) let go of me.

I fell forward, but caught myself before falling onto the grass.

"Tommy! Get them to the showers, and make sure they get clean clothing, then take them to there beds."

"Yes sir." it was the man who had said sorry to me.

"And richard! Carry their bags, they are tired."

"Yes sir." I see our bags get picked up by an asian man.

"Eve, prepare their food and bring it to there beds after the showers."

"Yes sir."

Eve, a blond white women, early 30s it looked like, went over to us.

I see in the corner of my eye Maeve wiping away dirt on her pants.

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