Chapter 12

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About 3 minutes later I see the lab , the hospital themed hallway.

The automatic doors open, as I see the lab.

I see it was the same lead doctor.

Doctor pots.

She looked at me, then told the man behind me to leave.

"Hello Jake."

Again, I did not speak.

She then takes the same needle as yesterday.

I forgot to take off the bandaid.


I stared at it.

She then put the needle into my left arm.

I flinched.

The red blood went to a clean vial.

It had dark blotches, same as yesterday. I wonder why.

I always wonder why.

But they won't answer my questions, why would they answer my questions?

They have no reason to.

I see the blood go through the tube, rather quickly.

A little quicker than yesterday actually.

I bit my lip, staring at the tube filling with my blood.

I take a deep breath.

Once she finished the insertsion. She quickly took it out, and put a new bandaid in.

I smelt my blood for a moment, my eyes dialated, excited even.

I do not know why.

It was a weird feeling.

Being excited about smelling blood.

I bit my lip.

I was still stuck in my chair.


I bit my lip again.

I looked around, or at least as far as I can see.

Dumb strap.

Then a man went over from behind me, and unstrapped me.

I felt a weapon was most likely aiming at my head behind me.

This is really just annoying.

"You are going to be in the machine." Doctor pots said.

As she put away the needle.

I sighed in disapointment.

Why is this happening back to back?

Honestly just annoying as hell.

I get up.

I turn to see two pistols aimed at me.

Why must you make me so nervous?

It is just annoying and unnessary.

I walked over to the machine.
I noticed they did not sedate me, yet at least.

I get onto the machine.

I then laid down.

They would push me into the machine, and take xrays of my brain, at least that is what I think.

Why am I not sedated?

The guard who was still pointing the weapon asked the doctor the same question.

"Why have you not sedated him?"

"I am going to cut you, just a small cut. To see the subjects reaction."
I am a human being, not one of your pets.

I felt angry.

"You know that is not safe."

"Have we done it before?"

The guard thought for a second.

"No, but it is still not safe."

"It is called exploring science, so you can take it."

The guard did not protest.

"Why not have him in the chair?"

"I need Xrays of his brain if he does react, and he needs to be awake."

What the hell were they talking about?

I was wondering a lot.

Is something going to happen to me?
If they do anything to me I will hurt them.

The guard lowered his weapon.


They then put buckles around my legs, waist, chest, and my head.

Keeping me locked in place, although I notice it is not as secure as they may think.

The second guard went over to a pad, and pressed something.

Then I see myself moving into the machine.

My eyes get foggy, and it is bright.

Uncomfortable too.

But why would they care.

I stretched my fingers.

The buckles were fabric, and metal on the sides.

I could barely move, but if I tried I can proboly get out.

I close my eyes so I don't get the light in my eyes.

"We will do this now." said doctor Pots.

She seemed excited, like a new door of infomation will finally be opened.

I hear a knife or something get picked up.
"Ready?" I heard. I think it is the Doctor, but it is hard to tell from inside this machine.

I don't hear any response, but the guard most likely nodded.

"Okay, Maurice! Get the xrays going before we do this."

"Yes Doctor."

About a minute later, I hear the machine start to activate.

It was hurting my head.

"Alright, lets see this reaction." said the Doctor.

Then I hear a knife slice into the skin of the man.

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