Chapter 4

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I walked into the room, one of the last ones there, BUT not the last one, because that would make me look bad, and may get punished.

I put my bloody hand in my pocket, as I slowly walked to the back.

I sat down at the back of the room.

A boy, 5'10, 16 years old, (if i had to guess)

between black and white mix. His name was ryan.

He was the only, and I mean ONLY, person I pay attention too.

Okay here, I do have a Friend, or person I know.

I lied, okay sue me.

Is that the right word? Or is it Pay me. Hm.

The boy named Ryan walked towards me, and sat at the desk beside me.

"Hey Shady."

I have a nickname, Okay? I rather like it, and I got it because I basically never interact, and stay in the shadows.

I nodded to him in acknowledgement.

"Hello Ryan, How's hell?"


"Hm" I bit my lip and looked up at the chandelier at the top, a few feet away from me.

I wonder how many people would just, Die if that fell right now.


"The usual, hell."

Ryan bit his lip, and lightly nodded.

Then the teacher walked in.

Great, now the real fun begins.

The teacher had a scruffy beard, I did not like him, the accent he has from west america Is way too hard to understand.

Then an air horn sounded, as the next session of hell had started.


"Hello class, welcome to math class."

The teacher said as he sat down at his desk.

He took out a giant book, he called it a textbook.

He flipped throughout the pages of The giant book.


Crap why must I be called.

"You are failing this class, care to explain why?"

"The reason why is because you failed to teach me."

"Are you talking back to me?!"

"That's how a conversation works hothead"

"You know what? Give me an example of failure."

I raised my hand


"Actually I believe there is an idiot , the definition of failure."

"Oh you are asking for a beating"

"You must have bad hearing because I believe I have not said that."

He walked up to me with a giant ruler.

I was pretty scared not gonna lie but I acted to be calm, trying not to shake.

He slammed his ruler on the desk.

"There is an idiot on the end of this ruler."

"Which end?"

Everyone has been silent during the interaction.

BioHazardDove le storie prendono vita. Scoprilo ora