Humans can be Kindda Stupid

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Holly's POV

"Yack!", Holly shouted.
It didn't hurt, but it felt SO weird.

She held out her talons, looking at them frantically.
She could SEE them, she could touch things, like Bait and trees, so why couldn't these humans see or hear her?

"WHAT THE FU-", she began, then remembered that Dusky was watching her and caught herself. She cleared her throat.
"- FRICK is going ON?!"

She flew up into the tree, cuddling Bait and Dusky, trying to let herself knew that at least somethings were real.

"What is this place? Why is this happening? Dusky? What is it?"

He was looking up at the sky, and when Holly followed his gaze, she saw a great shadow rapidly decending from the clouds.
It rolled over them like fog, like the entire world blinking, and when it cleared, they were somewhere else entirely.

It was still a mountain, but a taller, colder one, with snow scattering across the bolders.

They materialized nearly on top of a mountain goat, but like the humans, it payed no attention to them, chewing placidly.

Humans were also scattered around the bolders, lying on their somachs, still as corpses.

What are they hidding from?

Probably from the giant cave that they were all looking at, or rather, from the thing inside the cave, that was growling, and rumbling, and emiting smoke rom within it.

A dragon.
I wonder of they'll be able to see or hear me.

The growling got louder as the dragon approuched the enterance.
She stuck her head out, yawned, and sniffed suspisiously.

She wasn't a very big dragon, not much bigger than Holly or Luna.
She had two wings, and orange scales, and lemon-yellow under-scales.

Small flames flickered in her mouth as she yawned.
She seemed muted somehoww, like a poorly animated version of what Holly thought a dragon should look and sound like.

Oh no.
This isn't going to be good, she thought, looking at the humans.

They were all holding knives and weopons, and looked very intent on something.

"Hi, look out!", Holly shouted to the dragon.
But the only one who reacted to her voice was Dusky.
He buried his face in her neck.

"I told you humans are creepy", he whispered.

The dragon looked at the sky, and without so much as a brief glance at the humans, she flew off into the distance.

"Now!", someone ordered in a low voice.

The three humans closest to the cave leaped out o their hidding places, and ran full-tilt into the dark opening.
It took Holly a moment to realize that one of them was Coyote.
But he looked older, more lined and grizzled.

Several minutes past.
The human who'd spoken climbed over his rock, and darted closer to the cave, staying near cover.
It was Cottonmouth.
He also looked older, with a new scare over his temple, and longer hair.

The clothes on these humans were also rougher, as though they'd been dragged through thorn-bushes, with no silver threads this time.
But Cottonmouth had new gold medalians on both of his shoulders, and a new green feather woven into his hair with gold thread.
He stared at the cave, as though he could pull something out with the force of his eyeballs.

And then, finally, the three humans emerged from the cave, two with their swords drawn, and the third, Coyote, carrying a dragon egg in his arms.

A small smile spread across Cottonmouth's face, like a snake slowly slithering out of cover, poised to seize its prey.

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