Life Goes On:

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I set down my glass as Celebrian spoke.

"I've decided we should go through with the Solstice."

Elrond looked nervous as did his sons.

"Are you sure Celebrian?" My mother hesitated.

"I don't know Nana," Elrohir began. "It may be too much excitement. All the elves."

"Come come now. I'm not made of crystal. I shan't shatter. I think having something to fixate on will do me good," The Lady of Rivendell insisted.

"Nana," Elladan said.

Celebrian smiled, "Please? It would be wonderful to be among friends again."

Elrond cleared his throat, " I do believe one festival wouldn't hurt."

"Well good. It's settled then," Celebrian sipped her wine.

              Elrohir and I sat on a blanket. The soft grass around us waved lightly in the summer breeze. Summer's fresh smell filled the air. Golden sunlight shone down through the fluffy clouds in brilliant shafts. Everywhere you looked wild flowers dotted the earth's surface. Two birds whistled back and forth to each other high in the oak trees, sharing their sweet melody. Elrohir's raven black hair blew in the breeze. He laid propped up on one elbow watching me scribble in my notebook where I was currently gushing about his appearance.

"Are you sure I can't read that?" He asked jokingly while reaching for the book.

I slammed it shut with a teasing glare, "Yes. Absolutely not."

"Maybe one day?"

I blushed.

"Am I in there?" He asked with a mischievous grin.

"Yes," I clutched the book to my chest. "As a matter of fact you are."

"It isn't nice to talk about people behind their backs and not tell them," He prodded.

"Maybe one day," I settled.

Elrohir gently grabbed my left hand and looked at it. I eyed him curiously.

"You have such pretty hands," he shrugged.

I went back to writing my last thoughts in my notebook. Elrohir swiped it out of my hand and jogged away. Reading the page I was writing.

"Hey no!" I screamed and chased after him.

He held it above his head as I tried to grab it from him.

"No fair! You're too tall," I said with exasperation. I was genuinely upset.

He noticed my distress and passed me my notebook, "I'm sorry. I'm such a tease."

"You're just plain mean," I said. 

"I'm sorry."

"It's okay," I said as he held my hand.

"You're just too adorable when you're flustered," He added.

"Well, if you try something like that again I will become your worst nightmare." I glared up at him.

Elrohir glared back, mocking me. I put my hands on my hips, having dropped my notebook. He mimicked me.

"Oh would you stop! You're such a child," I laughed. 

Elrohir engulfed me in a hug while laughing. I loved the melodic sound of his laughter.

I wrapped my arms around his neck and kissed him. He kissed me back and then placed soft kisses on my nose.

"No more teasing?" I asked.

When Worlds Collide: Elrohir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now