Torn In Two:

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Never in my life had I felt so confused. My heart was being pulled in two directions.

"I think I love him," I whispered to myself in the dark.

And with that more peace than I had felt all week flooded me.

I did love him. I did. More than anyone else. I loved how I felt around him. He made me smile and laugh harder than I had in years. Elrohir accepted me for who I was, I didn't have to hide from him. He was something out of my dreams. His silky voice, soft hair and piercing eyes that could see right through me. The way he genuinely seemed to care about me. It was more than I deserved. I knew I wasn't good enough for him. Who was compared to him? He was practically a prince and I was just me.

I jumped from my ponderings when my mother walked in.

"You can't sleep either?" She asked as she tucked a blanket around my shoulders and sat beside me.

I shook my head.

"Mother's get upset when their children are upset."

"I don't know mom," I sighed. "I'm just. I'm so confused!"

"Boy problems are difficult indeed."

"How did you know?" I asked nervously.

"Because your mind has been in another dimension all week long," She chuckled. "And I was your age once. In fact, I was your age when Glorfindel and I met for the first time."


"Mhm, my father was a scribe for Lord Elrond. Glorfindel and he were great friends. Glorfindel spent plenty of time at our house learning the lore and timings of the valley and that's how we met. We fell in love very quickly. The two of us were even pledged to be married but my father insisted I needed to wait until I was finished. That didn't keep us apart though. Then, I found the key, messed around and got sent to earth. I was so heartbroken over what I had done. I ran around with a gang for a bit. They adopted me off the streets and made me one of their own. We all lived together in this old hospital on the edge of town along with some other stragglers. We were discovered and anyone under 18 was taken and put in the state homes. I was adopted by a couple who put me through university. That's where I met your biological father. Then we had you and I got sick. The only thing I had in my possession to leave you was the key that had come with me. 

The one I had found in the vase. I hoped you would figure it out. I knew you would figure it out. Elrond tried to heal my body of the remaining sickness and was successful but it claimed a lot of my strength. Glorfindel bonded with me to keep me alive. We fell in love all over again and spent that last decade waiting for you," My mother said fondly.

"How did you know Glorfindel was the one?"

"I just did. Our souls were tied to each other. The six years I spent on earth were the worst six years of my life. I had friends and a boyfriend sure but those never quenched the longing I had for Glorfindel. I was homesick."

"Elrohir," I whispered.

My mother smoothed my hair, "You love him don't you?"

"I don't know," I fiddled with my fingernail.

"Can you live without him?"

Could I? "I don't know."

She stood and kissed my cheek, "Think about a life without him. What does it feel like?" My mother closed the door behind her as she left.

It feels like a dark ocean of nothing.

The next morning I rushed to dress myself and walked outside. The warm sun felt glorious on my skin. My parents walked ahead of me to breakfast discussing something together.

When Worlds Collide: Elrohir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now