Most Unsettling News:

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Romans 8:28- And we know that in all Things God works everything togther for those who love him. To those who are called according to his will.



I awoke that morning with the same fear and dread from the night prior. I never wanted to hurt anyone.

"Tegalad!" I said as I approached him.

"Ah if it isn't Lady Summer. Lovely as ever," He smiled. "What can I do for my girl?" Tegalad kissed my cheek.

"Actually that's why i'm here," I said shyly. "I have changed my mind. About the solstice."

"Oh?" He frowned. "You're not going?"

"No no. I am, just," I began.

His eyes flashed with anger. Tegalad stood up straighter, "It's him isn't it?"

I shrugged.

"All my life I've always come second to everyone else and now it has been confirmed."

"That's not true. You're a good ellon Tegalad, just not the one for me. Someone else will come along and she will make you happy," My voice was laced with anxiety as I spoke.

He nodded to me, "Very well then. It is your own regret."

"Tegalad," I said as he walked away.

The tears poured down my cheeks as I walked home through the cold mist.

Once I dragged myself out of bed I changed into my tunic and leggings. My parents were still asleep when I crept out the front door. Rivendell was always beautiful in the early morning. The purple sky faded to orange as the sun rose. Thick dew clung to everything below the low fog. The birds sat preening themselves in the leafy trees while singing their airy songs. My feet tapped lightly as I climbed the stairway into the rest of the house. As I passed the kitchen doorway I heard hushed voices indicating the servants were awake and ready to start the day.

When I knocked on the wooden door there was no reply. I quickly slipped inside and closed it behind me. 

        The deep red curtains were pulled over the windows. I could barely make out the shapes of furniture in the room. Elrohir was curled up in his bed clutching a pillow to his chest. I had to giggle to myself lightly at the sight of his rather disheveled appearance. Making his skin glow softly, a single stream of white light fell across his bare back. I sat down on the edge of the bed and watched him.

"Five more minutes," He groaned.

I laughed, "Come on. If we leave now we'll catch the sunrise."

Elrohir smiled. I left the room so he could change.

The two of us snuck out of the house and through the wooded pathway. We made it to the cliff top just as the fiery ball of yellow light began to ascend. The purple sky faded into orange. Elrohir sat down on a log and patted the spot beside him. I sat next to him with my head leaning on his shoulder. His arm went around my waist as we watched. Though we weren't using our voices, the connection between us made up for the lack of words. Just being this close together allowed everything emotion, feeling, or word to be shared between us.

 Elrohir kissed the top of my head, "I love you."

"I love you too," I said quietly.

"Summer may I ask you something?" He questioned nervously.

When Worlds Collide: Elrohir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now