Shadows Fallen:

108 2 8

Sorry the last chapter kinda sucked XD. Life has been crazzzyyy. 

This chapter is unofficially sponsored by PMS and Mockingjay Pt.2-



I pulled myself up off the cold floor. My body ached terribly but not as bad as my heart. I soaked in my warm pool while turning over the thoughts in my mind. Everything blurred together in one swirling current of noise. I ducked my head under the water's surface. The noise disappeared. I pulled my clothing back on after I had dried myself off and flopped down on my bed. 

        The numbness was crippling. Tears wanted to come but didn't. My heart ached but sought no relief. My eyelids drooped heavily. I allowed myself to drift into the welcoming darkness. For a little while, I was at peace.

When I opened my eyes, Summer was standing in the doorway.

I stared at her.

"I'm sorry," She whispered.

I sat up, "No. I'm the one who should be sorry."

Summer sat down across from me, "I didn't sleep at all last night. I couldn't stop thinking about everything."

"I shouldn't have snapped at you like that," My voice cracked.

"It's fine. You were stressed out. I understand."

"I don't want to yell at you, ever again," I patted the spot on the bed beside me as I pulled up the blanket. Summer curled up next to me.

"Your mother is sleeping. Your father hasn't left her side."

I slipped my arm around her waist and pulled her against me. Summer kissed my jaw.

"That's good. They need each other," I smiled.

She kissed my neck.

"You're being very generous with your lips," I chuckled.

Summer giggled, "Sorry."

I kissed her shoulder.

Summer and I waited with my twin and his wife outside the oak doors of the healers ward. I tossed my dagger in the air, catching it in my opposite hand. Every so often i would miss and the metal would clatter on the floor.

"Can you stop that?" Summer sounded annoyed. "You're making me motion sick."

"Sorry," I apologized and sat down. My leg shook nervously.  Summer gently squeezed it and smiled. Something about that one, soft, warm look from her made everything fade for a quick moment.

"Everything's going to be alright," Zephyra said.

Elladan nodded and smiled. I could see right through the strong act he was presenting.

            We all scrambled to our feet when my father stepped out.

"She's awake," He smiled. "Your mother is very weak but she's asking for you."

Summer nudged me forward, "Go see her."

My brother and I carpet down the halls quietly. My father walked ahead of us, giving commands to the healers as the approached him. He pushed open a tall, wooden, door and allowed us to enter. The room was light and airy.

"There's my warriors," A soft voice said quietly. My mother sat up in bed slowly and stretched her arms out for us. The two of us rushed to her side. My father sat down beside her on the bed with his arm around her thin waist. I noticed the soft rosiness had return to my mother's cheeks. Her hair was smooth and snowy white once again. The twinkle in her eye was still there. However, it was blurred by a deep pain. I frowned but quickly corrected it to a resting smile.

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