An Adventure:

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I had two days of the words coming like a waterfall and now it's slowed a bit. I am loving this story though! 



I forked another mouthful of salad into my mouth. Elladan was silent as stone and even his wife seemed uncomfortable. There was no doubt she had figured out my plan.

"Oh Nana, Melda got new fabrics today all the way from the weavers in Lothlorien and I was thinking since the solstice is only," Arwen began.

"Since it's only a few weeks away you want a new gown made," My mother finished.

"Yes," Arwen smiled sweetly.

"Oh I don't know. Elrond?" My mother looked at my father.

"Have it made to order. Both of you," My father smiled.

"I'll go with you," Zephrya added. "I need to order a few things as well."

Elladan and I smiled at each other across the table.

"Alright you two out with it," My father set down his goblet.

Zephyra looked panicked and then calm as she nodded.

"We have an announcement to make," Elladan grinned. He put his arm around his mate.

"Oh jus tell them 'Dan I'm going to burst," Zephyra said.

"We're going to have a baby!" Elladan said proudly.

"A baby?" Arwen squealed.

"Oh how wonderful!" My mother smiled widely. "Our first Grandchild Elrond!"

Ada raised his glass, "To the new parents!"

"To the new parents!" We all clinked glasses.

Was now the time? No. I wouldn't ruin my brother's moment.

I pulled on my tunic and walked out of my room. I paused for a moment at the end of the hall to admire the valley at night. The twinkling lights of the village below and the bright moon above or how the light sparkled on the waterfalls. I never got tired of it. My shoulder met the cold stone as I leaned against the pillar. The night air was fresh but not cold. Could I really handle leaving this? Could I handle leaving everything familiar and taking only myself as an ally?

I knocked lightly on the door to my father's study. 

"Come in Elrohir," my mother's voice said. I slipped In and closed the door behind me. My parents were reclining together on the chaise near the fireplace. My father smiled at me as I sat down across from them.

"What are you doing up this late?" My mother sat up. "Did you have a nightmare?"

"I'm a little old to run to my parents when I have nightmares," I chuckled. "I need to speak with you both."

I could tell by the way Ada was looking at me he already knew.

"I've decided to leave the valley," I blurted.

My mother gasped lightly, "Leave? And go where? Why?"

"To Lothlorien to see Grandfather. I need to discern my life's purpose and I'm too distracted here."

My father frowned deeply, "Your purpose is to be here. You need  to complete your studies and worry about ruling your home!"

"Elrond," my mother put her hand on his arm. Something passed between my parents.

"We'll support you whatever you choose," Nana leaned forward and grabbed my hands. "We only want what's best for you."

My father nodded, "I remember being your age and wanting my own adventures."

When Worlds Collide: Elrohir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now