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Prepare for Father-daughter fluff :) I have based the personality of Glorfindel in this chapter off my own father.

Daddy if you ever see this, I love you. Thanks for being my best friend, my inspiration, and my biggest fan. 



My father passed me a sword.

"What is this?" I asked.

"No daughter of mine is going to wander the earth without the ability to defend herself."

"Ada," I laughed.

He smiled and pointed the tip of his at my neck, "Surrender."

"Never!" I exclaimed and pushed his blade aside with my own.

"That's my girl!" He ruffled my hair.

"Now do we get to fight?" I asked turning the sword over in the sunlight.

"No," He took it from me. "Not yet."


He dropped the swords by his pack. "First we've got to get in shape."

"What does that mean?"

He stretched his arms, "Race you!" And took off down the path.

"Hey no fair!" I screeched and ran after him.

My father made me chase him through the forest. I ran as hard as I could until my lungs felt as if they would collapse. I dropped to my knees at the edge of the field and rolled onto my back.

"I give up!" I yelled.

My father stood over me chuckling.

"I'm not built for this," I wiped a drip of sweat off my neck.

"Oh come on now, you did great. Now we do it everyday."

"Every day?" I whined.

"Yes honey, every day."

"What are you trying to do? Kill me?" I grumbled as he helped me up.

"You'll thank me later," Ada set down the pack. He passed me a leather bag with water in it. I sipped the semi-warm liquid and stared up at the sky. 

My father collapsed beside me , "You know, when I was your age my ada did the same training with me. It saved my life."

"Nana told me you died," I replied.

"I did once. But my time on this earth was not completed."

"That's cool," I smiled and set down my water.

He stared up at the sky in a haze. He was remembering something.

Great now you triggered him! The voice in the back of my mind said harshly. No, it's okay. You didn't know! I tried to reassure myself. The warm wind felt cold against my skin. My throat constricted as the voices fought inside my mind.

Don't panic! It's alright don't panic. I repeated over and over again. Come on don't be weak!

"Summer?" Someone turned my face gently towards them.

I looked up at my father.

"The voices in your head are lying."

I felt tears in my eyes.

"It's alright," He pulled me into his arms and rocked me gently. "Just breathe."

I took a deep breath and smiled.

When Worlds Collide: Elrohir x OCWhere stories live. Discover now