A Way Out:

253 3 22

You guys it's official. I am in love with Elrohir. 

Also, I apologize for the fact that I really went fanfiction with this chapter. I try to keep my fics as true to tolkien's worlds/works as I can but I wanted to use more of my imagination with this one. 



I woke to the usual sounds. Birds in the trees and the soft splash over the waterfalls. I rolled over and saw the light streaming through the cracks between the panel curtains. After dressing myself I opened them and let the golden light into my dark room.

 "Good morning," I heard someone say.

I jumped, "Nana."

She chuckled and hugged me.

"One of these days I am going to sneak up on you," I hug her back.

"In your dreams Ion nin."

I clip my scabbard onto my belt and slide my sword into it, "Elladan and I are on patrol today."

"Do be careful," She straightened my tunic collar. "I worry about you. You've been through so much and continue to go through so much."

"You worry too much," I kiss her cheek and see she has brought breakfast for me.

" 'Tis only a mother's job. We can't help but want to protect our babies."

"I haven't been a baby for quite some time now," I say after chewing my toast.

"I keep forgetting," Nana looked at me fondly. "You're a man now. Seems like just yesterday you were painting with ink on the walls or making mud pies in the closet."

I rolled my eyes and laughed, "I was a terror."

"No. You were spirited. I knew it the moment you came into this world. Your father said you had fire in you."

I smiled and finished my breakfast while my mother straightened a few things about my chamber.

"Have a good day. Be careful!" She kissed my cheek as I walked past.

"I will I promise." 

             I walked into the stable and cleared my throat. Elladan had his wife pinned against the wall with his lips firmly pressed against hers.

"Get a room," I groaned as I grabbed my saddle.

"Elrohir," Zephyra blushed as she pushed my brother off. "We didn't see you there."

"I noticed," I laughed.

Elladan kissed his mate and whispered something in her ear. Zephyra's cheek went bright red as she smiled. My brother wore a smirk and winked at her. I shivered and tacked my horse.

Elladan and I rode out of the stable and out into the sunny woods. We cantered through the woods with the wind blowing our hair in the wind.

"Race you!" I called back and kicked Raven into a gallop.

"Hey no fair!" Elladan yelled.

The two of us thundered through the woods and across the field.

"I win," I grin. "Again." I say as I come to a stop near the boundary mark.

"Very well," Elladan chuckled.

"I miss this," I said as I looked around us. "Just us, two hellions racing horses, wandering the wilds, and pulling jokes on others."

"I do too," He frowns. "But now I must think of my family."

"Zephyra got the apron strings too tight?"

When Worlds Collide: Elrohir x OCOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant