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      Near the edge of the forest before the plain the orcs had camped. We all waited for my father's word. The air around me was thick with humidity. I felt sweat dripping down me as I gripped my swords hilt.

He held his hand up. I looked at the captain next to me.

"Aye!" My father cried as well burst from the bushes. Elladan and I immediately starting taking out the orcs that charged towards us. The low growls filled my ears as my blade pierced the filths. Black blood streamed across the dry dirt, pouring from the corpses.

"Behind you!" I yelled as an orc ran up behind my twin. I quickly ripped my sword out of the orc I had just defeated. I knocked over one of their ratty tents causing two more to burst from it. I threw my knife into the neck of one. The other lept at me. I stabbed my knife into it's gray skin. With a gurgle the vile being fell to the ground. The adrenaline coursing through my veins drove me on. I cleared my way through the masses and towards my brother.

"Head!" He yelled and knocked an arrow. Just as I ducked he shot the orc behind me.

"Hannon le!" I smiled. I kept an eye on my brother as he ventured further into the camp. A wooden pole fell beside me, just missing my shoulder. An orc lept out front he mass of ratty canvas. I felt a sting in my arm as he ran past. I turned and ripped my blade through the monster's leg. It howled in pain as it crumpled to the ground. I looked to see a cut in my bicep. Blood dripped from it slowly. I didn't have time for it now. With my left arm slightly weakened I continued scouring the area. A few of my father's guards followed me.

Elladan raced past us, heading towards something.

"Ada!" I yelled when I saw her. My father took out another orc and looked at me. Both of our eyes fell to it.

In the center of the camp was a stake. Bound to the horrid stake was my mother. In my rage I hacked down more orcs in an effort to clear the perimeter. When my small group and I had slaughtered the last of the orcs we all gathered around the stake. My father slid to his knees beside my mother's body. She shook violently in the dirt. Her clothing had been torn in several places. A dark gash ran from her knee to her ankle. What tool fr torment made it I did not wish to think about. Nana's white hair was stained with blood and black liquid. Her pale skin was even paler. I feared if the wind blew hard enough she would shatter.

"Elrond!" She screamed.

"I'm here," My father said as he pulled her body into his arms.

"Make it stop," She sobbed as she clung to him. "Elrond!"

I watched her in her torment feeling more helpless than I ever had before.

"Elrond kill him!" She screeched.

I couldn't imagine the terrors in her mind. Elladan looked at me with the same helplessness. I knew his thoughts were shadowed with Zephyra. I could see the scene playing out in his mind. If it was Zephyra instead of our mother and he instead of Ada. He placed a hand over his heart.

I walked over and squeezed his shoulder, "She's alright."

Elladan smiled at me but briefly.

"I'm right here, love. Nothing can hurt you again," My father said with tears in his eyes. My mother's scream echoed in my ears. My father scooped her small body into his arms and covered her with his cape. Elladan and I walked ahead as we made our way out of the ruined encampment. Only two of our soldiers had been injured, thank Eru none had been slain. None of us could speak for the sounds of my mother's cries were heartwrenching. The sight of blood dripping from her made me sick. My head spun as I leaned on a nearby tree.

When Worlds Collide: Elrohir x OCOnde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora