Nobody says a thing as we speed to get home, knowing that Alessandro would want us home immediately, not caring if we were breaking literally every law to get home faster. Going to the warehouse took 10 minutes but with the way Xavier was driving we got home in two minutes.

When we get there the men at the front gate look almost nervous, one being on the phone probably to Alessandro or Elijah about Matias's father's people coming to help keep guard while we are all inside waiting for everyone else getting back.

When we stop at the gate I roll down the window looking over to Gabe, the guy that is always here whether it is night or morning.

"Why are you guys looking like you are constipated?" I ask almost teasing him

"boss was talking on the phone to all of us making sure we all knew that our top priority was to look after you guys and that we have to make sure the guys he is bringing in know that they are dead as well as us if something happens to you when they aren't here" Gabe almost whispers constantly looking Back to the guy who was on the phone probably making sure that Alessandro can't hear him

"I'm sure you will all live to see the end of the week" I smile making sure he knows that I'm half joking, you can never be too sure with this life

Gabe opens the gate for us just as some of Matias's men arrive, we go through the gate going straight to the garage knowing that we won't be going out anytime soon. The rest of the men go all over the property, inside and outside. All look very serious, not unlike our men but they just have a very serious vibe going on.

We all just end up in the living room, watching some movie that was on the tv when we turned it on, we aren't really even paying attention we are kind of just waiting for Alessandro, Elijah and Lorenzo to come back. We sit in silence for about an hour before we hear a big bang, like a really loud bang.

We all jump up and go over to the window looking outside, to see that the gate was just blown off and really big and scary-looking cars are coming through with men holding on the side of them. All the guards both inside and outside rush to the front firing their guns at the cars.

Me knowing that we are going to need more than the guards we have outside I quickly phone Alessandro. He picks up within the first couple of rings

A = bold v = italics

"What's wrong" he asks sounding worried

"umm we are currently under attack and we are going to need a lot more men than the ones here, they have already blown the gate off and are currently fighting off our men" I try and explain everything important but also get to the point. The quicker I finish the quicker Alessandro can yell at men to get here

"well be home right away. Tell the boys that they have to go into my room and get guns and ammo" Alessandro doesn't wait for me to say anything before he hangs up

I turn around seeing everyone still looking outside at the mess that Is probably happening. Defiantly happening.

"Alessandro said we are to go into his room and get guns and ammo. He'll be here soon with more men" I say getting everyone's attention

We all turn and run for the stairs not saying anything to each other knowing that nothing is important enough to speak, as everyone is running into Alessandro's room, we all look everywhere in his room for the guns and ammo but I take the wardrobe.

Looking for literally one second I find them. A lot of them, probably too many. Grabbing the whole case I go back into the bedroom where everyone is still looking, even though every single one of them has a gun tucked into the back of their pants.

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