37 Part 2

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All of the sudden, the timer went off, sweet buttery scented apple pie wafted through the air, making everyone's stomach growl in anticipation.

"Well the pie is done!! Let's get the kiddos ready for dinner!" Lily smiled, pushing her chair back. "We have a beautiful turkey to share."

"A HERITAGE turkey!" Chris corrected with a grin.

"Excuse me." Lily smiled. "A heritage turkey to share."

Melissa poked her head into the office, catching sight of her foster daughter who was now sitting on the couch, threading her comfort blanket through her fingers. "Hi Star. Do you want to help me and Chris feed the pups?"

Star looked up and nodded. Yes I want to help feed Farley and Drift! She got off the sofa, her troubles melting away for just a moment, trailing behind Melissa until she came face to face with her cousins. Oh no.

James ran up to his cousin holding a small lego house. "Star! Are you going to come play with us!!??"

Shaking her head no, Star grabbed onto her foster mom's shirt. No, I don't know you... you could be mean... I don't know.

"Look at this tree we built!!" Harvey exclaimed, dashing up to Star and Melissa.

Melissa saw hope on her nephew's faces, her heart breaking just a little more. They really want to spend time with their cousin yet she doesn't want to spend time with them. "Those are beautiful! Star, Uncle Chris and I are going to feed Drift and Farley their thanksgiving dinner! Maybe after!"

Satisfied with that answer, James and and Harvey ran off, back to the gray carpet with the rest of their cousins who were in the process of building a large car with the rest of the lego pieces.

Chris was cutting open the packets of dog food when Melissa and Star approached. "Star, do you want to count out four of these joint supplements and place two in each bowl?"

Star nodded, reaching into the container, feeling the round, liver scented supplements under her hands before pulling out four. Just as she was about to place two in each bowl, she felt something nudge her leg. When she looked down, she came face to face with Marty. "Ahh!!" She exclaimed, dropping the supplements.


Chris stopped what he was doing and scooped Star off the ground. "I got you! You're safe up here! You can still put the supplements into the bowl if you'd like!" Chris walked over to where Star was initially standing.

Glancing down, Star watched Marty spin and hop around with excitement, hopefully placing his front paws on Chris's leg. She clutched the fabric of Chris's shirt between her fingers. He's going to eat us! For dinner! For Thanksgiving dinner!

"Marty, off!" Matt commanded, walking into the room and seeing what was happening. "Come here boy, let's get some food!"

Obediently, the little cattle dog trotted after his owner, saliva dripping from his chops, envisioning the tasty meal he was about to consume.

Melissa placed the fork down on the table. "I'm all done, you can just plop the supplements on top if you'd like."

Star nodded, stretching her toes downwards until Chris placed her on the ground. One two... three four!

Chris smiled. "That's perfect! Thank you!"

"Do you want to come with me so we can wash our hands? Chris will put the food down for the pups."

Her heart was still pounding in her chest after seeing Marty, she nodded, scampering after her foster mom to the bathroom sink. That dog could've eaten me...Chris made me grow taller really quickly so Marty couldn't eat me..

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Where stories live. Discover now