13 Part 2

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Walking out of Dr. Lye's office, Melissa and Chris open the door into a small room with lavender colored walls, a fuzzy white carpet on the ground with a  tan colored couch for the patient and a  armchair sofa  for the therapist. 

Behind the therapist's chair, a dark brown desk with neatly organized papers and a lamp was where Dr. Hove was sitting when Melissa and Chris walked into the room. 

"How did Star settle in?" Dr Hove asked with concern in her voice. 

"She seemed to be alright. Maybe a little nervous about her new surroundings." Melissa offered. 

"I'm sure she will get used to it. Dr. Lye has amazing intuition and she will know how to make Star comfortable" Dr. Hove reassured, getting up from the desk and motioning for the couple to sit down on the couch. 

Melissa and Chris took a seat on the couch, waiting for Dr. Hove to sit down with a notepad and pen. The room was quiet and had a homey feel to it that put both Melissa and Chris at ease. 

They were both rather nervous despite going to therapy appointments regularly however, opening up to a stranger was always intimidating no matter how often you did it. 

"So I know we spoke initially on the phone and you both told me that you actively go to therapy. I would like to know a little more of what motivated you to do so.  Why don't we start with Chris?" Dr. Hove prompted, turning to Chris. 

"Well... I.. I lost my dad at a young age to a mental illness and I feel as if.. if talking about mental health wasn't so stigmatized, he.. he might still be here...I started an organization around getting rid of that stigma to hopefully help others. I do go to therapy because in order to help others you must first help yourself, ya know?" Chris forced a chuckle through a lump in his throat. Talking about his dad was always an extremely sensitive topic. 

"I'm so sorry about that. It must have been so difficult for you. I have much respect for you Chris." Dr. Hove remarked, scribbling down some notes. "How about you Melissa"

"Well... I am a survivor of domestic violence. Before I met Chris, I was married to a man who I met fairly early in my career. It started very well but we were both young.. and immature. My parents got divorced when I was a kid... The man also came from a broken home as well, and I felt bad for him... I got beat up a lot both physically and emotionally. I also suffer from anxiety and depression so the relationship really didn't help. After I got the courage to leave, I had nightmares and flashbacks. My mental health got worse and with my workload, I realized I needed to find some help. So now I go to therapy on an as needed basis." Melissa choked out. 

"That must have been so difficult. You are very brave Melissa. I applaud you for your courage and perseverance." Dr. Hove praised, finishing up her notes and looking up at the couple who were holding hands at this point. 

"Maybe you both should take a break. Would you like some water? It is clear that you have both survived tragic situations and talking about it must be painful." Dr. Hove asked, her voice full of sympathy.

"Water would be nice, thank you" Chris said, clearing his throat and blinking back a tear.

"Okay, just take a breather. I'll be back with water" Dr. Hove comforted, opening the door and walking out. 

"Phew... therapy" Melissa sighed leaning back. 

"It's good for us though" Chris admitted. 

"I agree" Melissa said, giving Chris a quick kiss on the lips. 

"Love you Mel" Chris acknowledged, giving her a squeeze. 

"Love you too"

Dr. Hove walked in with two bottles of water and handed one to each person. 

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Tempat cerita menjadi hidup. Temukan sekarang