32 Part 2

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A/N: If you've been here for awhile, re-reading the previous chapter would be helpful as the two are connected. This might be the longest chapter yet and it's a roller coaster so enjoy! 💕

A big building came into view with trailers and cars parked on the outside. Wait a second... this looks familiar... Is this where we went flying? Where Melissa was Supergirl? Flying was fun... I wonder if we will get to fly again. Star's heart fluttered in her chest similarly to the first time she was on set. Scared but not scared... weird...

"Babe, I'll drop you off at the makeup trailer so you can get straight to it. Text me when you find out where the filming is happening today." Chris informed, smoothly maneuvering the car around the corner before pulling up in front of the door of the mobile trailer. Whoops I did not see that no cars allowed sign over here but it's fine, I mean, kids, obey the law. What is up with my brain today? It's fine, okay."

The tension in Melissa's face dissolved almost immediately as she leaned over to give her husband a kiss. "I love you, you're a lifesaver."

Chris turned in his seat to get a better look at Star who seemed deep in thought as she watched her foster mom dash up the stairs then disappear through the door. This is good for her. I think going to a place of work helps... stimulate the thought process. "Just you and me kiddo." Chris informed, driving over to the parking lot. "So Melissa and I have a bit of a surprise for you today." He put the car in park mode before turning off the engine.

A surprise? Do... do I like... do I like surprises? I... I didn't like Jane and John's surprises... they were never very nice... will the surprise be good? Melissa and Chris usually have good surprises...but.. What if it's different? What if it's bad?

"Growing up, Melissa and her sisters had this little pop up tent where they would spend a lot of time playing. But pop up tents aren't just good for playing. It's like a really really safe turtle shell" Chris informed, remembering the turtle analogy used at Star's last therapy session. "There is even a little window on the side where you can peek out! And, we packed many fluffy blankets so it will be nice and comfy! How about let's go set it up together then you can sit inside and see how cool it is!"

Star turned her head, her heart pounding in her chest. For the first time since her return, she actually looked at her foster dad with her head slightly tilted accompanied by a glimmer of curiosity. That... that actually doesn't sound too bad. Maybe... maybe it will be... fun?

"Okay! Let's go!" Chris exclaimed, opening the car door and gently helping Star get out of her seatbelt, a small lump in his throat forming as he watched Star pull away slightly, cringing at the sudden closeness. She's still scared of me... I mean, I know why she would be and she has every right to be scared but... it.. It doesn't make me feel any better about the situation.

Walking through the sea of trailers with tons of crew members around carrying a white frilly pop up tent with a small child was certainly an experience that made Chris slightly self conscious. Some of the crew members he knew from his time on the show but the majority either had no idea who he was or they knew him as "the lead actor's husband" As for Star, her life was mainly kept out of the spotlight and only close friends in the cast and crew knew about her.

"Hey man!!" A familiar voice called out, snapping Chris out of his thoughts. When he looked up his face broke into a wide grin. "Jeremy! What are you doing here?"

"Embarrassing and bothering you, obviously." He snorted, opening the door to the building. "Give me a bro hug, seriously dude, it's been so long! How have you been?"

"Oh you know, busy as usual. How's the wife and kid?" Chris asked, waving to a camera operator and setting the tent down in the corner of the room.

"Good! I was in the area and just decided to show up! Of course security had to check my ID like ten times. As if they didn't recognize me! I was in the first three seasons and made a guest appearance recently! How's your life going?"

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon