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"Happy Birthday!"

"Huh?" Melissa muttered, still half asleep. She opened her eyes a little only to be met with blinding light. "Why's it so bright in here? What time is it?"

"It is currently 2 in the morning!"

"Chris, why are you up so early?" Melissa asked groggily, rubbing her eyes.

"Well, number one, it's your birthday! And number two... I may or may not have forgotten to do the homework assigned to us by Star's therapist for her first EMDR session."

"I see.." Melissa answered, slowly opening her eyes, allowing them to adjust to the light.

"And, I figured you would like it better if I woke you up instead of..." Chris paused, waiting to hear the ringing of a phone alarm.

"Instead of...?"

"That!" Chris exclaimed as Melissa's phone alarm began to chime.

"You know what?" Melissa slowly brushed her covers aside, swinging herself into a sitting position. "You're right."

"Well it is your birthday" Chris smiled, going over to his wife and sitting next to her, tapping the 'stop' button on his wife's phone alarm.

"I love you." Melissa stated, giving her husband a kiss.

"I love you too." Chris replied, returning the kiss. "But I do have to work on my part of the assignment. I know you wrote your portion already."

"Well the good thing is that Dr. Lye will be writing the "trauma story" and we get to write the "safe place story."" Melissa remarked, standing up.

"Yeah... although I still don't really understand how EMDR and play therapy can be combined, especially for a child. I know you have shared your experiences with me on what EMDR was like for you and well... it doesn't seem very kid friendly." Chris stated

"I know... That's the part I'm concerned about but I do trust that Dr. Lye will know what to do." Melissa replied, going into the bathroom to get ready for work.

You make them so worried all the time! They shouldn't be worried about you! Star thought to herself, her ear pressed up against her foster parents bedroom door. She shifted her weight slightly and winced as her foot shifted a creaky floorboard.

Drift let out a quiet woof, the piece of wood Star had stepped on groaning loudly enough for the big dog to hear. Farley stirred in her bed but didn't wake up.

Star heard Chris get up from his bed and she quickly scrambled back to her bedroom, pushing the door shut a little too forcefully to the point where it was audible.

Chris opened his bedroom door. I think I heard Star walking around... maybe I should check on her... Chris made his way across the hall to Star's room only to stop short at her door. Is this a good idea? I might scare her...

When Melissa came out of the bathroom, the first thing she noticed was that Chris was no longer there and that their bedroom door was open. She walked out, only to find her husband standing with his ear pressed against Star's door. "Is everything okay?"

"I think... Star was out of her room earlier... but I don't know for sure... I want to go in there and check... but I don't want to scare her." Chris explained, his voice barely audible.

Melissa nodded and moved in front of her husband, placing her hand on the door knob and slowly twisting it while pushing the door open gently.

Star knew her foster parents had heard her and they were outside her room. It's okay, they're not going to be mad... I think... It's okay it's okay She soothed herself silently, the covers pulled over her head, tensing up as she heard her foster parents come closer.

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Where stories live. Discover now