34 Part 1

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"Well it does sound like she is beginning to use you guys as a secure base and doing more safe exploring in public settings which is absolutely wonderful to hear." Dr. Hove smiled, looking over the rim of her glasses at the two foster parents that sat perched on her couch. "Now, the elephant in the room."

"That would be nice? Make the elephant more comfortable and all?" Chris joked, awkwardly laughing. Heh... Why do I have to be so awkward sometimes.

Melissa just sat on the couch, her face pale, hands clasped tightly against her knees. It sounded urgent on the phone... why else would we have to come into the office right after dropping Star off at school... I have to go to work later as well.. Just for a couple of hours at least...

"So." Dr. Hove cleared her throat and took her glasses off, carefully folding the arms of the frame and placing them off to the side before leaning forward, slowly scanning the faces of her clients who seemed to be on pins and needles. "So... I suppose you remember the short amount of time Star spent with her Aunt Jane and Uncle John?"

Sitting on the swingset, Star closed her eyes and enjoyed the feeling of being pushed back and forth. The wind brushed against her cheeks and ruffled her hair. She tilted her head back and sighed, not caring that the other kids around her were being noisy.

"Psst. pssssst. Star!"

A voice cut through the peace like a knife causing Star to jolt out of her thoughts. She planted her feet on the ground, abruptly stopping the swing before looking around, a feeling of anxiety washing over her. Ohhhhh.... Where's Emery when you need her.... Why did Emery need to leave early today to go on vacation....


That cold husky voice made her blood run cold. The voice she heard... right before the gun went off... She could see herself falling out the window into the bushes, her vision blurry and her ears ringing, red liquid flowing out of her shoulder forming a trail of blood that seemed to follow her.

"I know you can hear us. We miss you." The female voice croaked.

Star heard the fence rattle. She automatically jumped away from the rattling links, racing to Ms. Sullivan and not bothering to look back.

"Star!" Ms. Sullivan exclaimed, instinctively wrapping her arms around her pupil who had run straight into her arms. "Are you alright?"

"Inside. Inside." Star whimpered, the only thing she could think of was getting back inside the safety of the four walls which made up the school building.

"Alright. Alright. I got you. " Ms. Sullivan soothed, her mind spinning. I'm surprised she came to me for physical comfort! If it was one of the other kids, I wouldn't be surprised but Star! Something must have really spooked her. Poor girl. Maybe I'll have security look into it. There are cameras around the fence line. Given her history and all, it would not be unreasonable to check. "We're going inside right now, you can sit at your desk and do some coloring with Ms. Teresa while I bring the rest of the kids inside?"

Star bit her lip and followed her teacher inside the building, letting out a breath after hearing the automatic lock engage after the door closed fully. Am safe inside... They can't get me... They're not my mommy and daddy... not anymore...

"Hey, Ms. Teresa" Ms. Sullivan called, gently knocking on the classroom door with her knuckles. "Would you mind if you watched Star for a few minutes while I brought in the rest of the kids? I told her you have some fun coloring sheets!"

"Of course! Hello there!" A young lady with long, wavy blond hair walked over to the two classroom guests, kneeling down to Star's level and holding her hand out for a hand shake.

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Where stories live. Discover now