Chapter 2

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"Over here is the discharge wing where kids are ready to go home but just need to finish up some antibiotics and such," Nurse Morris, the head nurse said, pointing to rows of beds all separated by curtains.

A dozen little kids came running up and swarmed the Supergirl cast who were all in costume visiting the local children's hospital.

"Hi guys!" Melissa exclaimed, smiling down at all the bouncy, excitable little kids.

The kids gazed up at the adults with sparkles in their eyes and chattered amongst themselves, starstruck about seeing real life superheroes.

The nurses and staff lined all the kids up to take pictures and have autographs signed before ushering everyone into the recreation room where the kids were broken up into four groups for story time.

David, Chyler, Katie and Jesse each took a group and everyone found a place in the room to settle down.

"Thank you so much for doing this Melissa" Nurse Morris commented, standing in the back of the room with Melissa.

"It's my pleasure." she exclaimed, smiling at the sweet scene in front of her. Visiting hospitals in costume is fun yet exhausting at times but kids are adorable so I suppose it makes up for this very uncomfortable costume.

Many of the kids decided that the superheros indeed needed some snuggling. Therefore, the superheroes were basically buried in little kids laughing hysterically. Suddenly, Dr. Morris's pager went off.

"Excuse me for a second" He stated with a frown before rushing off, leaving Melissa alone. She watched him rush off and disappear around the corner. I wonder where he's going. I wish I got a group of kids to read stories to but it doesn't seem like there are enough kids for that.. Which is a good thing but.. Kids are adorable and reading is my favorite thing. Kids and books? What could be better than that?

"I just need to check your ribs." A nurse informed shakily as Star glared at him, ready to attack if he got too close.

"Would you hurry it up? We still have a lot of patients to see." A doctor snapped at the doorway.

Star eyed the nurse as he drew closer and closer, noting his trembling hands. Don't touch me. Don't.

"Hi, it's okay." He faltered, standing right next to the cot, beginning to lean over. "Okay, I'm going to move up your gown so I can see your ribs."

Star pressed her body against the mattress, wishing that she could just sink into the ground. NO!

Just as the nurse's fingers touched the bottom of Star's gown, A shriek broke the peace and everyone paused, looking towards the source. Melissa felt her heart pounding in her ears as the scream seemed to crack something inside of her. "Is everything okay?" She asked a nearby staff member. All the times I've been here, this has never happened before.

Star had shrieked before shooting up into a sitting position, slamming her forehead against the nurse's nose.

"F-ck! That hurt. Jesus kid, seriously?" The nurse swore, standing up, his hands immediately making their way to his nose which had started to bleed.

"Not again!" The doctor groaned. "Star's run off again!" He shouted, taking off after the tiny child.

Star's bare feet slapped against the cold white hospital tile, tears blurring her vision. Why did I do that! Why! Why do I always do this! Star clutched the left side of her body, feeling her lungs expanding, pushing against her bruised ribs, keenly aware of the adults chasing her.

Doctors and nurses all rushed through the hallways in one direction causing the cast members to exchange glances. The staff and kids seemed unbothered, like this was just the routine.

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Where stories live. Discover now