20 Part 2

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 Trigger warning! This chapter discusses sexual assault and a pelvic exam of a young child. Anything medical discussed in this chapter may not be accurate. Please consult a professional if you are not feeling well. Read at your own risk! 

Two tall men and a woman dressed in uniform came into the hospital room with grim looks on their faces.

"Christopher Wood?" One of the tall men asked, stepping forward.

"-Ye-s that's me"

"Sir, we need to talk to you. Please follow us." The woman spoke up, turning around.

Chris gave his wife a confused look. Melissa shrugged, a sinking feeling of unease crept into her body. 

The four adults walked out of the room, leaving Star and Melissa together once again. Melissa watched Star slowly falling asleep as the sedative took effect. However, every time she thought Star was about to slip into dreamland, her eyes would pop open and she would try to stay awake.

Star did not like the feeling of the sedative the doctor gave her. It felt like she was in a body of water, trying to get to the surface but something was trying to pull her under. Every breath she took felt sluggish and labored and her mind was fuzzy.

Dr. Montgomery reentered the room and washed her hands at the sink before kneeling down at the side of Star's bed. "Hey there sweetie. I'm Dr. Montgomery. I'm going to help you feel better, okay?"

Star pulled back as best she could, feeling like she was dragging a huge building with every labored movement she took.

"So what is about to happen now is that I will lift you up and put you on this exam table right over here." Dr. Montgomery began.

Melissa watched the doctor who gave a vague description of what was about to happen. It's interesting that the doctor didn't explain how a pelvic exam works before giving Star the sedative. Dr. Montgomery straightened up and lifted Star from the bed.

At this point, Star was barely awake and didn't seem overly bothered by a new person picking her up. After being placed on the exam table, The nurse took Star's hospital gown off and placed a blanket over her body.

Melissa felt her heart thud in her chest as she watched Dr. Montgomery position Star for the exam. At that point, Chris had walked back in the room looking rather pale. At the sight of Star in the stirrups, whatever color he had left in his face drained and his face turned as white as a sheet.

"Maybe it would be best if you two step outside. Star will be okay." Dr. Montgomery advised, looking at the couple while putting on a fresh set of gloves.

"CPS here. We need to speak with you both." A voice called from the other side of the door.

"Um okay..." Melissa agreed, hesitation evident in her voice.

The foster parents reluctantly left the room and followed the CPS officers outside. Dr. Montgomery turned her attention to Star who seemed to be fast asleep. She worked quickly, knowing that this was probably beyond scary for Star. Even if Star seemed like she was asleep, it didn't necessarily mean that she wasn't conscious.

Star felt the coldness of the instrument enter before her brain even registered what had happened. I DON'T LIKE THIS!!! STOOOOOOP! She shouted in her mind. It was like her body didn't listen to her. The only thing that came out of her mouth was a weak whimper. 

It was as if Dr. Montgomery could hear her thoughts. She paused the exam and gave Star a gentle pat on the knee. "I'm so sorry. Take a deep breath. It will be over soon. I'm sorry"

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Où les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant