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It turned out that Star was much sicker than anyone realized. With her blood test results back, she was severely deficient for all different vitamins and minerals.

When Melissa and Chris brought up the fact that Star couldn't keep food down, Dr. Dresner was extremely concerned. She suggested that the two only give Star bland, easily digestible foods with a protein milkshake that had all the nutrients that Star needed.

Dr. Dresner also referred Star to a child psychologist she had been working with for years with fantastic results for a range of different challenges. When Melissa asked Dr. Dresner about Star cleaning at night, she explained that Star probably thinks that she has to clean at some point or else she would get punished.

She was most likely confused as to why Melissa and Chris didn't want her cleaning and the best way to go about it and make sure Star got enough sleep at night was to let Star clean with Melissa to find a common ground and build some kind of a bond before discouraging her from cleaning.

"Kids are amazing at bouncing back despite the circumstances they were in previously" Dr. Dresner informed. "Just keep doing what you're doing, being patient and providing her support as well as letting her work things out is just what she needs."

"Thank you so much Doctor. Talk to you soon" Melissa said

"Bye now, thanks doc" Chris thanked before hanging up as he pulled the car into the driveway of their house. Melissa glanced back and saw Star sleeping.

"Poor kiddo must be exhausted." expressed Melissa as she tenderly gazed back at the tiny child.

"Maybe we should carry her inside. Who knows how much sleep she actually gets at night" Chris suggested, turning the car off and glancing back at Star.

"Do you think she'll let us?" Melissa asked, worried about scaring the sleeping girl.

"You should hold her. She trusts you more" Chris suggested.

"Okay I'll give it a try"

The two got out of the car and Chris opened the back door to the car. Melissa came over and slowly unbuckled Star who was not in a car seat, making the task much easier. Then, Melissa put her arms around Star and lifted her, cradling the small girl to her chest.

At first, Star whimpered and squirmed, stirring a little but Melissa quickly shushed her and stroked her hair gently which calmed her down.

Chris opened the door to the house and followed Melissa up to Star's bedroom where she put Star down on the bed and covered her with a blanket.

The two foster parents tiptoed out of the room before quietly closing the door behind them.

"That actually worked!" Melissa exclaimed quietly as they made their way into the kitchen to start making lunch.

"How did it feel holding our girl!?" Chris smiled with excitement knowing that this was the first step to building a lasting relationship with Star.

"Honestly, kind of surreal. That was the first actual physical contact I've had with her! " Melissa beamed, filling the pot with water while Chris chopped some vegetables.

Melissa and Chris made lunch then sat down, eating rather quickly so Chris would have time to help clean up before heading to the recording studio.

After Chris left, Melissa decided to watch some TV when she heard a small sniffle next to her. Melissa turned around and she saw Star standing at the doorway, looking over at her with anxious eyes.

"What's wrong honey?" Melissa asked, going up to Star who flinched and took several steps back.

"I-I s-or-sor-ry" Star whimpered in a barely audible tone, her back hitting the wall.

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Wo Geschichten leben. Entdecke jetzt