32 part 1

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"What is that noise?" Chris groaned, feeling a crook in his neck as he slowly pulled himself into an upright sitting position. "Oh it's too bright in here." Wait... this is not our bedroom... Chris sat up straighter before looking down and realizing Melissa was resting her head on his shoulder.

"What's going on?" Melissa croaked, still half asleep.

Oh right. We must have fallen asleep in Star's room... wait a second... why isn't Star on her bed? Chris stood up, a bolt of adrenaline shooting through his veins. "Mel!"

"Huh? Huh? I'm awake! I'm here!" Melissa exclaimed, leaping to her feet before looking around the room. "Where's the fire?"

"Star?! Where is Star? She's not in her bed! We must have fallen asleep while waiting for her to come out of the bathroom!"

"Wait what time is it!? I gotta go to work!" Melissa exclaimed, frantically reaching for her phone to check the time.

Chris rushed towards the bathroom to see if Star was still in there when his foot got snagged in the carpet sending him flying forward and onto the ground. "Oof!"

"Oh my goodness, are you alright?"

"Hey look! I found our kid!"

"Ah yes, good now let's get our kid into the car because we are officially very late!"

"Wait, should we wake her up?" Chris asked, getting to his feet. And somehow, I am completely unscathed from the fall. Must be my youthful elastic joints. Wait, I should not be thinking about how wonderfully shock absorbent I am, I gotta focus here.

"Uh..." Melissa paused at the door, shifting her weight from one foot to another, contemplating what should be done with their foster daughter. I hate being late. "Uh... why don't you grab a change of clothes for her and just carry her to the car after we get dressed. We can grab something on set for breakfast."

"Sounds like a good plan." Chris replied, moving over to Star's drawers and picking out an outfit. I mean... I'm not great at picking outfits but I guess it's better than her showing up in PJ's... I hope she will be alright... actually... I have an idea.

Half an hour later, the three of them were on the road, headed to set with Star in the backseat still sleeping peacefully, blissfully unaware of the chaos.

"I hope she won't get scared... I mean she would be waking up in a brand new environment. We aren't filming with the greenscreen today and we aren't on location. I know she was in my trailer last time but this time I'm not sure if dealing with her alone is a good idea..." Melissa rambled while shooting a string of apologies to the costume and makeup team who were supposed to be halfway finished with getting her ready.

"Well... you see I had a little idea... remember those pop up play tents we used to have growing up?" Chris replied, carefully maneuvering the car around a pothole.

Melissa's jaw dropped open. "Oh my gosh how on earth did you think of that? You are such a genius!"

"Well you're the genius for saving that pop up tent for all those years!"

"Yeah my mom is definitely sort of a hoarder so she hangs onto that sentimental stuff and I guess I'm like that too so... comes in handy!"

"Hopefully she will like it! It will be a nice safe space for her to stay and get comfortable. One of us could always keep an eye on her and there would be many people around to help us if things got out of hand." Chris replied.

"Well you know what they say, it takes a village"

W-where am I? Star wondered as the car pulled into the parking lot.. Did.. did I get kidnapped? Oh no... did Jane and John come back to get me? Oh no... I don't want to go back there... please say I didn't go back there!? I don't want to go back there! I don't like Jane and John! They're scary! Tears began to fill her eyes as she wildly glanced around, still not quite noticing Melissa and Chris sitting in the front.

"Hey sweetie, it's okay. I'm so sorry we had to scare you like that" Melissa soothed, looking back at her foster daughter's panic stricken face. This probably did not help trust building.. If we had more time.. Maybe I should've just woken her up... I don't know... at the moment it seemed like a good idea.. But now... I'm not so sure...

Melissa and Chris? What are they doing in the car? Wait... it's okay... Jane and John didn't kidnap me. Star roughly wiped the tears away from her eyes with her sleeve and sniffled before facing away from her foster mom to look out the window, feeling her cheeks flush in embarrassment. I know they've seen me cry a lot... but it's just embarrassing... I was stupid. Why would I be kidnapped? It makes no sense.

"Oh sweets, it's okay to cry" Melissa comforted, reaching her hand back and gently rubbing Star's leg. "I'm so sorry you got scared. You know how sometimes if you're late for something important and you feel stressed? I was feeling that way and you seemed very tired and sleepy so I just let you sleep" She explained, guilt welling up inside once more. I just made everything so much worse...


 Hey friends! Hope you are all well! 

It's been a few weeks since I've updated, sorry this is a short one, the chapter itself continues in the next part. 

I feel like this is a good place to tell you that I've been struggling mentally for the past few weeks and I really need to take a step back from writing for a bit which means I probably won't update for a few weeks just to give myself time to deal with some really big stressors in my life and not worry about the story. 

As silly as it sounds, a detrimental event that has impacted my mental wellbeing is the cancelation of Legends Of Tomorrow. I love Supergirl but this show is really my comfort show. If you have time to sign this petition and or share/donate to the GoFundMe, that would mean the world 🥰



My inbox is always open if you need anything. See you soon 💕

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Where stories live. Discover now