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"She's been home for weeks now... It feels normal yet not normal at the same time... I just don't know what to make of it..."

"Take your time Melissa. Start from the beginning." Dr. Hove coached, giving her client an encouraging smile.

Melissa took a deep breath, leaning back and closing her eyes, the exhaustion placing an uncomfortable pressure behind her eyeballs giving her a pounding migraine. She felt Chris shift and put his head in his hands, too exhausted to comfort her in the moment.

Dr. Hove frowned, before looking down at her notepad and scribbling down something she wanted to remember for later, letting the two of them take their time. This is probably the only moment of peace, time to reflect and be alone with themselves. Even if they want to sit here like this for the rest of the session, that would be an acceptable action.

What were the last several weeks like... I'm so tired I can't even remember what I had for breakfast this morning... Chris pondered, slowly rubbing his temple and letting out a deep sigh, enjoying the silence of the room besides the ticking of the clock.

I feel terrible for thinking this but I don't remember her ever being this much work... she's so... difficult this time..Slightly regretting the decision to get her back... And I know it's not her fault... I'm just.. Burnt out I suppose.. Melissa felt tears fill her eyes as guilt washed over her consciousness. Imagine if we didn't take her.. What would've happened.. I'm a terrible person for not wanting her right now...

Truth be told, the last several weeks had been mentally tough on Melissa and Chris. In between dealing with stressors at work, working to patch up their relationship, and dealing with Star's injuries were extremely time consuming and emotionally taxing..

In the beginning, Star was rather subdued and still in pain so changing bandages and keeping the wounds clean was rather easy. But as she healed, her strength returned and she began to resist physical contact. The people she once trusted, she feared.

"It's just.. It's like she doesn't remember us or something. And I shouldn't expect her to since she's been through so much and seen so many people..." Melissa vented.

"Yeah... I... I feel a little disappointed..." Chris explained, looking up at Dr. Hove who gave him an encouraging look. "Actually.. I feel really disappointed... Like deep down I wish she would still act the same.. I can't speak for Melissa but personally, I wish she treated me.. B-better. Like, I put in so much work and she was getting there but now... she just treats me like another random person... It's really frustrating" He let out a shuddering breath and felt Melissa place her hand on his.

"I appreciate you being so brave and opening up. That can't be easy to feel how you're feeling." Dr. Hove acknowledged. "Do you want a break or shall we continue to discuss?"

Chris's limbs felt so heavy and his eyelids threatened to close, his entire body begging for the sleep he desperately needed. "Can we just sleep?" He heard himself say, eliciting a sympathetic chuckle from the therapist who nodded before standing up to dim the lights, closing the door gently behind her.

Melissa and Chris got in more comfortable positions before drifting into a peaceful dreamland, hoping that all their struggles were just bad dreams.

"Alrighty. So after ripping and scribbling over photos of your foster parents, you don't want to play with the toys and you don't want to even look at me. You're angry, it's perfectly normal to be angry. That's fine." Dr. Lye affirmed, standing up and going to sit in the opposite corner. "So we can just sit across the room from one another and pretend to be turtles."

Star looked up with curiosity at her therapist, picturing the large four legged reptile with a shell that she had seen at the zoo all those weeks ago, the hot flame inside of her subsiding slightly.. People... people can be.. Turtles?

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|Tahanan ng mga kuwento. Tumuklas ngayon