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"Don't worry honey. It will be just fine" Melissa comforted, turning around in her seat and looking back at her foster daughter who stared out the window with a troubled expression on her face.

"School is fun! You'll have a teacher who will teach you cool things and kids who will be your friends" Chris chimed in, keeping his eyes on the road and smoothly maneuvering the car into an empty parking space.

Star glanced out the window and her eyes grew wide as she saw the huge school building that loomed in front of her face. It was a large, gloomy building that kind of reminded her of the group home. There was a tall, iron fence that ran around the perimeter of the playground. Is that fence there to keep people out or keep kids in? She gulped nervously and climbed out of the car, grabbing onto her foster parents hands as tight as she could as they walked towards the building.

Once they got inside, things seemed to be better. Despite the school's intimidating appearance, the environment felt rather homey. There was artwork on the brightly colored walls and the sound of excited chatter from the classrooms floated into the hallway.

Star didn't recall being in a real school before. Maybe for a couple of weeks in Mr. and Mrs. Edward's foster home before they decided to keep her home full time once she started getting bad grades... Star shoved those horrible memories out of her mind. Melissa and Chris will be nice... they won't be mad... well.. They might once they find out how stupid I am... Star was so engrossed in thought that she didn't realize her foster parents had stopped walking and were talking to a woman.

"Hello Star! I'm Principle Halsey" A tall woman shattered Star's train of thought by sticking her hand out in front of Star's face for a handshake. She was heavily built with round glasses, perching on the edge of her pointy nose. Her red hair was pinned tightly to the top of her head in a bun and her eyebrows were straight and thin.

Star jumped and pressed herself against her foster parents, not liking the sudden closeness of a stranger.

"She doesn't like physical contact" Chris butted in, jumping to Star's defense. He just got a weird feeling about this principle. A feeling he couldn't quite put his finger on. She gives me weird vibes.. But maybe I'm just being an overprotective dad.. I'm not really sure.

"Ah I see. That's okay. Something to work on" Principle Halsey's blood red lips stretched into a thin, forced smile.

That smile looks a bit like a predator ready to attack the prey. Are we sure she's the principal? She just doesn't seem to fit in this environment Melissa thought, returning the smile and nodding in agreement. "Of course"

"Well, I will show you guys to Star's classroom so you can get her settled and move on with your day." Principle Halsey started walking away, her stride covering quite a bit of distance.

Star was practically running, just trying to keep up with her foster parents as they followed the principle. I'm not sure how I feel about this... Her heart pounded loudly and her mouth felt dry as she ran quickly. This did not help the rising panic that rose upwards in her throat.

Principal Halsey opened the classroom door and the lively chatter died down quickly. The kids glanced up from their work and stared at the door, a feeling of unease blanketing the classroom. "This is the classroom. Ms. Sullivan, this is the new student I was telling you about earlier."

A tall, older woman with gray hair and a motherly face walked over to Star, Melissa and Chris all while completely ignoring Principal Halsey. She knelt down to Star's level and gave her newest pupil a friendly smile.

"Hi there Star. My name is Ms. Sullivan. Welcome to our classroom. We saved a seat for you." She smiled, pointing over to a little shiny red wooden chair that was placed in between two other girls.

Finding Family  |Adopted by Melissa Benoist and Chris Wood|जहाँ कहानियाँ रहती हैं। अभी खोजें