💚💖 - Freezing Warmth - 💖💚

488 7 13

Ship: SenjYui/YuiSenj

Warning!: Cuteness and Cuddles

Background Information: MordernAU, HighschoolAU, Dorms

Time: Afternoon, Shortly before 9:00

Oh and I'm trying a new formatting style because it's easier for me to write this way, soo ye

Yes I know I just wrote one but like, the babies 🤭

--(Senjuro's POV)--

"Alright, is this alright Ms. Kanae?" I ask her setting down a flower pot.

"Yep! Thank you Senjuro, I really appreciate that." She said smiling, sorting some papers on her desk.

I smiled and waved, she waved goodbye as I excited her classroom. Ms Kanae is such a nice teacher. She's good friends with my brother too! So I really didn't mind helping her when she said she wanted some more flowers in her class. I just happened to be in a garden club.

I started to walk back to my dorm, I wonder if Yuichiro was back. I know he had a really late track meet. Oh he must be exhausted, I hope he isn't grumpy. Maybe I could get him a snack!

I smiled at that, I expected to be paired with someone completely random. I didn't expect my dorm partner to be Yuichiro Tokito. We were acquaintances, I knew his brothers friends. I would often see him with Muichiro when we all hung out.

I got to the elevator and pressed a button, it let me inside. I pressed floor 5 and the doors shut a moment later. The elevator started up, and then started to move up. Unfortunately most of the classes were on the first floor, and dorms were at the top. . . .

Elevators made me uneasy, Tengen once told me a story about how it broke down and he and some other people where stuck their for hours. Tengen was one of my brothers friends, he always had crazy stories like that. My brother reassured me that if an elevator ever broke down with me inside it, he'd be the first to come get me out.

The elevator paused and the doors opened. I stepped out and let out a reassured sigh. Let's see, where's my room? Room 269. . . there! I opened the door slowly, the lights were off.

Yuichiro was lazily flopped on his bed. He was completely passed out, I could just see how exhausted he was. I chuckled, walking into the small kitchen section.

Our doors were divided into three sections, bed area 1, bed area 2, kitchen, and then a bathroom with a shower.

I looked in the fridge, eh nothing looked tasty at the moment. Luckily I didn't have my brother's ferocious appetite.

What time was it? I checked my phone, 9:50p.m.?! Oh wow almost 10 I should go to bed soon. I closed the fridge and went to the bathroom.

I got out my toothbrush and put some toothpaste on it. I brushed my teeth slowly looking at my reflection in the mirror. Hm, my hair looks a little oily, perhaps I take a shower tomorrow before lessons start.

I spit into the sink and washed out my mouth with mouthwash then water. I washed my face really quick and put away my toothbrush. I left the bathroom and wandered over to my section of the dorm.

I put my phone on its charger, I wasn't quite tired yet though. Maybe I could read a book, but that requires light and Yuichiro's sleeping. . . hmmm. . . .

I sorta just sat in bed underneath my blankets. I started to get a little tired, but I heard Yuichiro shifting around. At first I didn't think much of it, until I heard him shudder.

I looked over and I noticed he moved from being lazily just on his bed to buried under all of his blankets, shivering. . . . Oh he's cold, poor guy.

I never had an issue being cold. I was like a living furnace. When I had sleepovers as a kid, my friends would either complain about how warm I was, or say that I was comfortable to sleep by because of how warm I was.

GENMUIII   --One Shot's and Random Crap-- (Muichiro x Genya)Where stories live. Discover now