🖤💔 - Hallucinations - 💔🖤

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       Helllooo! Anyways,

       Time Era: Shortly before Mugen Train

       Warning: Fighting ; Blood ; Short Hair Mui ; Hallucinations ; Haunting ; Abusive-ish Yui ; Slight Mother Figure Shinobu

       Enjoy Darlings 🤗

-- (Muichiro POV) --

      "CAW! WAKE UP NOW, HASHIRA MEETING! CAW!" A crow called out, she landed on my chest and was now on my chest looking at me.
      "Why. . . ?" I asked. I was so tired, my head hurt so much. I forgot what I did yesterday, again. I got up out of bed, and went over to my uniform. Changing out of my sleeping wear and putting on the baggy uniform. I'm tired, she landed on my head and guided me out of this strange building.
      Her squawking and dancing on my head did not help with the headache. When we got to the Master's Mansion, that's strange, why do I remember him so well? We were surprisingly the first ones there. Master wasn't even out yet. I looked at the crow who was now on my shoulder, she nodded and just had me sit down and wait.
      I heard some talking and I looked next to me. It was. . . . uh, I forget, they were walking up the path. There was a girl with three braids and a man with fiery hair. She looked like a little pink chick and he looked like an fiery owl. The girl called someone's name and waved at me. . . ?
      She took a seat next to me, she looked tiring, too energetic. The fiery owl sat next to her, and a lot more people showed up. A purple butterfly, an angry wolf and his weird decorative object, huh. A shiny loud guy waltzes in followed by a giant blind bear, woah. There was a wild cat with a snake around his neck, his eyes were pretty.
      "The Master has arrived." Two young voices called out. A man appeared, he seemed to be sick.
      "Hello my children." He greeted us all, his voice was calm and relaxing.
      "Kya, Hello master! I hope your day has been well and your sickness is not bothering you!" The pink chick called out, the Master nodded and thanked her.
      "Thank you Kanroji, I hope all of your days have been good as well. I would like to discuss some missions that need to be taken care of." He said, ah her name is Kanroji. I'll forget it soon enough, the others nodded. I nodded after them because it seems like I had too.
       "There seem to be reports about large groups of people disappearing on a specific train, I think it's name was the Mugen Train." Master told us, the other hashira had slightly shocked or sad faces.
       "Master if I may, how many people are disappearing? And will we have to send multiple Hashira?" The butterfly raised her hand.
       "Ah, I'd say there are around 200 people each time the train goes out, each disappearing without a trace. I'd say it's the work of a lower or even a uppermoon. That is why I will be assigning this mission to Rengoku, you will be accompanied by a group of lower ranked slayers." He explained, the owl nodded, what a strange name. . . eh I'll forget.
       The other people started to leave, he must have dismissed us. I stayed sitting, I didn't want to move. I was tired and I could feel myself zoning out.
       "Muichiro dear," A voice called out, it was the Master's. I turned my head to look at him and he stayed silent. That must be my name. . . ?
       "Yes. . . ?" I said, I wonder what I'll be doing later. . . .
       "Are you alright my child? I feel as if your mind was in a different place during the meeting." He asked me, I stayed silent for a minute.
       "Sorry Master, but I don't seem to remember much and it's confusing me." I said, it's the only thing that would make sense to say.
       "I see, your amnesia must be bothering you again. If you wish, I could have my wife take you back to your old cabin, it may help you remember something." His voice seemed sad, as if this has happened before, I wonder how long I've had amnesia. . . .
       "I would like that. . . ." I said, a little quieter than I meant, I focused my gaze on the pebbles below me. He nodded and one of the girls behind him went inside the building.
       A minute later a beautiful woman came out and motioned me to follow her. Of course I did, she waved goodbye to the kids and they smiled and waved. The master only smiled.
We walked on the path for a little while, and sometimes she glanced at me.
       "You know, if it helps, you used to be so lively as a little one. I remember you told me once, when I visited, that you and your brother bickered a lot. You would always be the first to cry, but you always reassured me that you made up. You even showed me a paper airplane with an apology on it, saying that he would apologize through them." She explained, it was fuzzy but I do remember something about paper airplanes. Maybe that's why I find them so comforting to throw around.
       "Oh. . . . I had a brother?" I asked, stopping to look up at her. She stopped and looked back at me with an expression I couldn't make out. Probably pity or sadness.
       "Yes dear, Yuichiro Tokito, or Yui as you would call him. Your Muichiro Tokito, your nickname was Mui I think." She explained and continued to walk again. I followed her, focusing on the sunlight that sometimes peaked in through the tree leaves above us.
       How come other people could remember so clearly? Why couldn't I. . . ? There was a cabin in the distance, it had some moss growing on the sides of it. If someone used to live here, they definitely didn't anymore.
      She slid open the door for me and let me step in first. I didn't recognize any of it.  There was a living area, it was empty and I saw some slashes on the wall and the kitchen was also empty. I took a step forward and ran my hand over some slashes on the wall. Nothing, my head was still empty.
      She showed me two more rooms, what I was assuming was my parents, and then a room that belonged to me and my brother. . . . She was in the main living area, tidying up an old shattered vase. I was in my old room, I think. It all seemed old and dusty. There were two beds though.
      One of them had a fresh paper airplane though, it didn't match the rest of the house. I picked it up, it was warm, as if it had been in the sun. I unfolded the paper, it read,

GENMUIII   --One Shot's and Random Crap-- (Muichiro x Genya)Where stories live. Discover now