🌹 - Gender Swap - 🌹

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Hee Hee, I liked this idea that randomly popped into my head at like 2 in the morning-

Ok so let me explain:
This is an modern au we're both Genya and Muichiro we're reincarnated as girls and not boys!

Warning: there may be some fowl talk about girls ; flirty guys ; profanity ; Slight mentions of, Nezukana , Tanzen , Inoaoi   (Did I get those right?)

Enjoy Darlings 🤗

--(Genya POV)--

   'RING RING RING RING!' Ughhh- I hated waking up so early, it's 6:30- I lazily rolled over and swatted at my alarm clock. Finally turning the damn thing off. Now I had a headache. . . .
   I stood up and instantly missed the warm and comfy bed, but I had to suck it up. I lazily dragged myself into the bathroom and turned on the light. Boy did I regret that.
   I looked in the mirror after my eyes adjusted, should I do my makeup up today? Maybe a little bit wouldn't hurt.
   I put some lotions on my face, and decided that maybe just eyeliner and mascara would be alright. I did my eyeliner first, it looked great, then I put mascara on. Just a teeny, tiny bit of blush-
   Ok, once I was done with that I checked the time, 6:43, alright I have some time since the first period starts at 7:30. I pulled apart my dresser looking for the best outfit.
   Perfect! I found some loose baggy black ripped jeans, and a basic gray t-shirt to go under my favorite hoodie. My hoodie was black as can be, but had this gorgeous lime green floral print in the center of the chest area.
   Now to find a bra- I found a basic gray bra with no underwire that would complement my curves. Ok, I started to get dressed. Halfway through I received a text, my phone made a loud 'Ring' sound. I rushed over to pick it up.
The notification read:

MuiMui💙☁️✨: you ready yet? I'm like halfway to your house

   I responded,

GenyaIsHot🔥: yep! Just got done getting dressed, I'll be out to meet you in a minute

MuiMui💙☁️✨: ok hurry, I also got us some coffee

GenyaIsHot🔥: YESSSSSSS!!!

   She left me on read, but I know she's just waiting outside. I put on my white socks and slip on my crocs. I opened my front door, and there she was!
   The most beautiful girl I knew, long gorgeous hair with natural teal tips. A perfect little face with a perfect attitude. She may be lacking some boobs and butt, but she makes up for it in everything else! Oh gosh I love her so much, but I'm too much of a wimp to even try to ask her out.
   She tossed the coffee at me, but luckily I caught it.
    "Thanks, you look cute today." I said, taking a sip of the coffee she tossed at me. She was wearing her usual baggy blue/teal hoodie that had bubbles all over it, and basic black leggings. She smiled slightly,
    "Thanks. . . ." She mumbled.  I smiled back, and we began walking to school. It was nice seeing her smile, it was so cute too. Everything she did was cute. If only she liked me as well. . . . There's not much to like about me- I mean, I'm as tall as a giraffe, and I play too  many sports, which is not lady like at all- Most people in our school like short girls, who can barely catch a ball.
    Yet, so many boys ask me out and want to date me. I don't understand this messed up society. I was very much not straight, I guess if I had to date a boy I wouldn't mind. . . but I would very much rather date a girl. I mean, we're a lot less picky than boys, and we actually understand the troubles we have to go through, but you can't have it all.
    We got to school around 7:26 and headed to the locker bay. Muichiro has her locker across the room from me, so we sadly don't get to talk to each other until we see each other next, third period. I opened my locker and a letter fell out. I picked it up, it was decorated in heart stickers and it had my name on it. I sighed, I opened the letter and read it. . . . . Nothing but a cheesy love note from who knows. I grabbed my binder and headed for my first class, chucking the note in a trashcan I passed by.
    First period was math with my older brother, Sanemi. Luckily, I had that coffee to keep me going. He explained some simple questions that I understood easily. I started to zone out, scribbling things on the margins of my paper. At first it was just random shapes, like circles, squares, hearts. . . . I paused for a moment, and started to sketch something out. I zoned back in halfway through, when Sanemi called on the boy next to me. He didn't know the answer.
    I looked up at the board for a minute, oh, the answer was as simple, x=2 and y=3 so (2,3). You just had to divide, I raised my hand.
    "What do you think it is Genya?" Sanemi asked, he sighed, he was so done with the boy next to me.
    "X=2, You just divide 10 by 5. And Y=3 divide 9 by 3, so (2,3)." I said, He nodded and wrote the answer on the board. The boy next to me smiled at me, and smiled back because I didn't want to come across as rude. I looked back at the margins of my paper, I was drawing Muichiro. I drew her perfect bangs, and I got every detail of her face. I smiled when I looked at it, then the bell rang and I got up, packing my stuff away.
    I walked through the crowded hallways, some people brushed past me but I didn't mind.
   "Genya, Genya!" A boy called out, he stood in front of me now.
   "Thanks for saving me back at math, I don't know what would have happened-" He said out of breath. He handed me a slip of paper and ran off. Great, a phone number, I read it in my head before crumbling it and putting it into my pocket. It's not even that big of a deal, my brother isn't that mean. I sighed, next was my language class, I took German. We were only two weeks into school so it was more just like, 'how do you say good morning in German?' or 'When's your birthday, can you say it in German?'
    My German class were idiots. Absolute goofballs. Half of them was a group of boys, all being one big friend group. They were all class clowns, then there was me and some other girls. The only reason why that class is acceptable is because of my friends named Zenitsu and Aoi. We made the perfect trio in that class, Aoi the one who was actually doing school work, Zenitsu being the baby, I was the one making sure the baby didn't get into trouble. Zenitsu was so obnoxious sometimes-
    I was now in front of the class, and I walked in and sat at my table. The goofballs started coming in, not even caring that it was two minutes past the bell. Eventually Aoi walked in, but Zenitsu wasn't with her.
    "Sup Aoi." I waved, she sat next to me.
    "Hi Genya." She said as she sat and then down her bag and binder. She has way too much stuff. I mean it makes sense, she has like all straight A+'s.
    "Zenitsu's sick, so we won't have him annoy us today." She said, sitting down finally.
    "Niceeee." I said, even though I was joking. I do generally care if he's alright or not, it's just nice when he's not next to us whining though. Then a sub came in, oh no.
    "Sup everyone!" Mr. Uzui yelled,
    "Since your original teacher is not feeling well, I'll be your flamboyant sub! Since I'm not teaching art right now!" He yelled while making a pose. Some people groaned, but most of the boys cheered. You can practically get away with anything when he's a sub or teaching. If you're flashy enough that is, he once yelled at someone because they were so boring.
    "Alright. . . . uh- There's something online for you, something about scheduling parties? I could care less, just get it done at one point." Mr. Uzui mumbled. I sighed and I could hear Aoi sigh as well. I got out my chromebook that was in my binder, and Aoi got hers out. Mr. Uzui was in the corner on his phone. The boys started getting destructive, making paper airplanes and throwing things. At this point no one was doing the assignment, except Aoi. So I thought screw it, I'll do it later or something.
    I took out my phone and looked through my contacts, finding Muichiro's at the top.

GENMUIII   --One Shot's and Random Crap-- (Muichiro x Genya)Where stories live. Discover now