😨👻 - Horror Games - 😨👻

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    Alright let me explain this, this is going to be like a five part mini story of our favorite genmui couple playing horror games. So far I have selected Phasmophobia, and In Silence, if you want to suggest a horror game you can, but if I don’t know it, it may be a bit inaccurate because I’ll have to do some research or watch a video or two about it- but let’s start off with Phasmophobia 😨👻 because I love that game so much, Oh and if you don’t know what this game is I suggest you google it and watch something just because I won’t be explaining everything about the game, just a few things.

Enjoy Darlings! 🤗

--(Muichiro POV)--

   “Yay! Are you ready?” I asked, I was on my computer already waiting in the phasmophobia lobby. Genya was also in the lobby and was adding items.
    “Yep, let’s try the tanglewood map, it’s been a while since I've played this game.” He said, he finished adding items and I selected the map.
   “Oh are you scareeeed?” I asked tauntingly.  He frowned and sighed,
   “No, I just- it’s been a while and I don’t feel like dying on a big map and losing the 1000$ I just spent on equipment.” He said. I stuck my tongue out at him. The lobby loaded and we both spawned in the truck.
    I instantly grabbed the key off the desk and grabbed a flashlight. The guy over the radio told us the basic instructions but said, ‘be careful this one is going to be a tough one, there have been multiple reports of violence.’ and 'There seems to be a cursed object.' Exciting, Genya grabbed his flashlight, photocam, and EMF. I decided to take the spirit box and video cam, I don’t know why.
   We got to the house and opened the front door after putting the keys in. After a satisfying click, we entered the house. Instantly being met with the heavy atmosphere and creepily silent foyer.
   “Oh well that’s nice.” Genya said, I didn't know why he said it so I took a step in front of him to see what he meant.
   “Oh-” I said, I even might have gasped a little bit. There was a beautiful fresh bloody rib cage just greeting us in the Foyer. I heard the click of Genya’s camera then he picked it up. He used both hands to grip it and said,
   “I’ll take it out to the truck, don’t die yet.”
   “Yeah yeah, no promises.” I replied sassily. I took the journal out and looked at the photos, ‘Three Star Bone Photo’, nice. I continued to walk through the foyer, I opened the closet and there were boxes crammed into it. Welp, that's one hiding spot gone.
   I stepped into the living room and took out the spirit box, I pressed the button to turn it on.
   “Uh. . . . Are you here? How old are you?” I continued to ask it questions and questions but it never responded back to me, it may just not be a living room ghost. I circled around the coffee table in the middle, I knocked the cup off the table annoyed.
   “Oh c’mon do something!” I practically yelled into the spirit box. The lights above me flickered, I forgot I turned them on. I frowned,
   “Something that’s not lame?” I asked. Nothing happened. Oh the lights are on, no wonder it's not working. I turned to the corner and was about to chuck my spirit box when something caught my eye.
Tarot Cards!
    I went over to the small table in the corner and picked them up, being careful not to pull any. Surely Genya wouldn't mind if I only pulled just a few of them. . . right?

--(Genya POV)--

   I finally managed to get the darn ribcage in a box in the van. It’s evidence afterall. I pinned the photo to my journal and the board on the wall. I looked at the monitor and clicked the mouse. The camera view didn't change.
   “Hey Muichiro? You have a video camera right? Can you place it in the living room, since we have three more, we can place them in other places.” I asked through the walkie talkie. No response, he’s either pranking me by pretending to be dead, or the ghost actually killed him already.
   Or is it hunting? I looked over at the activity charts and they were all shattered, and glitching out. Of course he picked a harder difficulty. I sighed.
    I walked into the house through the foyer, Muichiro wasn't there.
    "Muichiro?" I called out. I turned the corner towards the kitchen and dining room, going past the now creaked open basement door.
    Shoot I have to hurry so I can check that for fingerprints. I sprinted into the kitchen,
   "Muich-" I almost tripped on something, I looked down at my feet. It was too dark, I reached for the lights and turned them on. I looked back to the area where I originally tripped.
    His spirit box, flashlight, video camera, tarot cards. . . . Oh my gosh Muichiro no- I looked to the left a little more and yep. I sighed, I went over to his now dead body, he was laying on the ground face up but his neck was twisted so his face was pointed towards the floor.
    "Really dude? Now I have to do this by myself." I grumbled in annoyance. Something hit my back, I turned around to see a cup just hit the floor right behind me.
   "Hey- no throwing things at Genya, good sir." I said teasing him. Whenever a player dies they can interact with non equipment items and do things with them. Like throw them at other players for example.
    The cup disappeared but then reappeared and bonked off my forehead.
    "Really Muichiro? If you want to make yourself useful then go make a pile of items In the basement." I said, beginning to walk away. I needed to go get the UV light. I didn't even get far and I saw Muichiro chuck a whole dang tea kettle down the stairs to the basement.
    I froze for a moment but then sprinted out of the living room and threw the foyer back out to the truck. I dropped my camera and EMF in the kitchen by Muichiro's stuff- oh my gosh why didn't I check for EMF while I was there? It's probably gone by now.
   I grabbed a UV flashlight and dots projector. I made my way back into the house, this ghost isn't really an active one. Well I mean- Muichiro did die- but I think he just pulled a hangman from the tarot cards- Oh maybe I can revive him with the high priestess!
    I walked past the basement, the door was wide open. I turned on the flashlight and checked for fingerprints, there! Halfway up the door were neon green fingerprints, only five fingers. I dropped the flashlight and grabbed my EMF that was in the other room. EMF 5. That's two pieces of evidence.
    "Muichiro I don't know if you're next to me or not, but we got EMF 5 and fingerprints so make sure you write that down!" I called out. I walked back into the foyer, as soon as I was about to leave the door shut, but didn't lock. Fog surrounded my face and the ghost whispered in my ear, sounding almost like it just breathed at me. I jumped a little bit just out of pure shock.
    "Really?" I asked the ghost. I went over to the door and opened it, stepping outside again. It was normal weather outside, I only just realized that. I let out a long sigh. I walked up the pathway and back into the van. There was a teddy bear on the keyboard. It disappeared for a split second and then reappeared a lot closer to my face. Its plush body smacked off my face and hit the ground of the truck. I stumbled back a bit.
    “MUICHIRO!” I yelled,
    “Oh my gosh, if you don’t stop- I will not try and revive you.” I said. I watch the teddy bear be chucked out of the truck. Probably him telling me, ‘you better revive me’. Sounds like him.
    I went back into the house, this time with a crucifix, and a writing journal. I got into the house and chucked my flashlight on the ground, so the light went down the stairs, illuminating it. I went down the creaky stairs, and when I got down there I turned the light on.
    I was met with a GIANT pile of props, from shoes to books.
   “Muichiro- Is this everything in the house. . . ?” I asked, staring in disbelief. I watched the teddy bear from the truck flicker in the air, he must be tossing it back and forth.
   “I’ll take that as a yes.” I sighed, I dropped the crucifix in the center of the basement, and I placed the writing journal down. I went back up the creaky stairs and grabbed the dots and his EMF and Camera. I turned the EMF on and chucked it down the stairs carelessly. I went down and put the camera in the corner, the chair started to rock, making a loud creaking sound.
   “Ya know, if I were a ghost I would have definitely tried to kill me by now your sorta lame.” I said, staring at the rocking chair. A cup was launched at me face,
   “Not you Muichiro! OW, stop it, I’m gonna get a migraine!” I yelled out in annoyance. The cup landed back in the pile. I went back up, ignoring the ghost for a minute. I grabbed the tarot cards and went in the corner of the dining room, so I could loop in case I got a hunt. This is stupid-
   I went back out to the truck and got a smudge stick and a lighter. I went into the garage, it’d be safer. I opened a locker, nice I can hide in it. I got the tarot cards back and pulled the first one.

GENMUIII   --One Shot's and Random Crap-- (Muichiro x Genya)Where stories live. Discover now