🖤 - Similar Experience - 🖤

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Alright! I guess you could say this was a request, but I sorta strayed from the main topic so I hope you don't mind- I didn't get to include short hair, but I got to include this cool weird arm demon fight scene that was fun writing-

Requested by: VelociraptorC

Warning: Fight Scenes ; Blood ; Death ; Genmui ; Another Traumatized Child ; Slight Older Brother Muichiro

!ALSO! I'm planning on ending this book soon (So I can focus on Royal Gay, and the New One, this one is too distracting lol, it's also long enough to end sooo. . . .) so if you have any requests before I do so, please do tell! <3

Enjoy Darlings 🤗

--(Muichiro POV)--

Stupid demon, running away so quickly. He didn't even look me in the eye before he bolted off! I easily caught up to the fowl demon,
"Mist Breathing. . . . First Form, Low Clouds, Distance Haze!" I mumbled, I slid next to the demon, mist escaped my blade and together they easily cut its head clean off. I landed on the ground ahead of it. Sheathing my sword, I turned back to look at the disintegrating demon.
Its head crumbled away into nothingness, and the demon stopped violently cursing me out. I continued to walk forward, away from the spot where the demon once was. I continued to walk through the forest, it was awfully quiet now. It was the middle of the night after all.
"Caw! Caw! HELLO MUICHIRO! Next Mission North! North I repeat! Be careful, many slayers have fallen to this demon, and hurry! Slayers have requested emergency backup!" Ginko instructed and warned me, she was flying next to me as I sped up. She flew above and away from me, so she wouldn't get in the way when I fought. Was it maybe an upper moon ? I thought.
I continued traveling north, gaining speed as I changed my breathing technique. I flew through the trees, kicking off of some to gain speed even. I could hear them in the distance. Swords clanging, and a sound of one girl screaming. I saw through the opening of the trees ahead of me, it was a large demon, or a demon with large, long arms. Its body was small and remained lifted off of the ground. It had two main large arms that were propping its body in the air. Mini arms chased the bleeding slayers everywhere. Its head was missing. . . ?
"Mist Breathing. . . . Third Form, Scattered Mist Slash!" I mumbled as I jumped through the final row trees. I was lifted up in the air, and brought down right beside the demon, cutting its main large arms and mini arms with one giant mist slash. It screamed in pain and stumbled backwards, instantly regrowing its mini legs and supporting itself again.
I landed in front of the slayers who had stopped screaming and running at the commotion. One of them let out a sigh of relief and called out,
"Mist Pillar-sama! We're saved!" It was a male slayer, there was a boy and girl. The girl had a pretty severe cut on her back. The boy who called out had a twisted arm. I studied their wounds and looked back at the demon, it probably used its hands to crush the slayers, then it would devour them. It probably cut the girl with the quick motion of its mini arms. I see. . . . I think I know how to avoid its attacks now.
"Don't celebrate now, focus, it's not dead." I said coldly, he instantly refocused and stood back up, so did the other girl. The demon had regrown its main legs, and sent out a swarm of mini hands after us. I jumped in between them, instantly out running them. The two behind me spread out, trying to dodge them the best they could. It took a minute to actually get close enough to the demon to examine its body, it actually had no head-
How do I behead it then. . . ? I thought. The boy let out a screech as he was caught in a swarm of mini hands. They grabbed him, keeping him tightly held. He even dropped his sword, I could hear the abnormal amount of wind being forced out of his lungs. I ducked under two mini hands that attempted to grab me, and I rushed over to him. I cut through the arms without any breathing technique needed. He fell down and laid there in shock.
"Well?! Get up!" I yelled at him, reflecting some mini hands with my sword, keeping them from reaching me. He stopped, attempted to use recovery breathing but he was too slow. I dove down and blocked the hands from reaching him, but even I couldn't block quick enough. One of the hands grabbed my ankle, and it sent me flying across the forest clearing.
It sent me flying towards a tree, I shifted myself and when I hit the tree I jumped off of it. I rushed back towards the demon. The male slayer had gotten up, but he couldn't fight now, he was too wounded. It looked like the girl was beginning to slow down as well.
"If you can't fight then flee!" I called out. It would be no use if they only distracted me. The boy at first disagreed with me, but the girl reasoned with him, explaining they were only a burden. At least one of them was smart. The two took off, escaping the hands and fleeing from the scene.
"Mist Breathing. . . . Seventh Form, Obscuring Clouds. . . ." I whispered-mumbled.
The demon paused and faced me. It swung its hands at me, I faded into mist and sped up. Running through the mist I dodged random hands while looking for an opening. If I couldn't behead it. . . maybe I could use brute force? I emerged from the mist completely above the demon, I swung my sword down unleashing powerful mist attacks. The attacks cut the demon in half, cutting many of its arms and main limbs that had grown back a little while ago.
The demon yowled in pain and collapsed. Some of it slowly began to disintegrate. Brute force worked- My thoughts were cut off as I was surrounded and grabbed by a swarm of mini hands.
I yelled out in pain and the hands squeezed me as hard as they could, I could hear and feel some of my ribs breaking. It forced all the air out of my lungs. I think my arm broke too. My sword was pointed upward, I was still clutching it in my hands. Even though the dull side of the sword was digging into my shoulder, it still managed to cut my shoulder lightly.
The hands slowly began to disintegrate and I fell to the ground. The hands still held me tightly and I struggled to breath. Finally the hands disintegrated and I was left limp on the ground. I took big gasps, and then went to recovery breathing. I slowly spread out on the ground, just breathing, trying to recover. My sword was now coated in my own blood, my shoulder slowly started to bleed. It wasn't a very big or deep cut, since it was the dull side of my sword. Luckily it was the dull side and not the sharp side. . . .
"We fought over here!" I heard someone say, I think it was the boy from earlier.
"Mist Pillar-sama!" The girl called out, the other two slayers must have run into the Kakushi and brought them this way. They ran over and one of the Kakushi helped me sit up, instantly bandaging my shoulder wound.
"Are you alright? Can you stand?" The Kakushi asked in panic.
"I'm fine. . . ." I mumbled, I stood up on my own. The Kakushi stood up as well and just looked at me concerned. I turned to face the male slayer from before.
"Whenever someone superior to you instructs you to flee from something you can't handle, flee." I said, giving him a cold glare. He frowned and instantly started apologizing. The female slayer next to him apologized for him as well. I went to sheath my sword, but my arm stung in pain as I clutched my sword in that hand. I just looked at my arm and then sheathed my sword with my other hand.
"Perhaps you should go to the Butterfly Mansion? It will be hard to fight with a broken arm-" One of the Kakushi told me, I glared at him. He slowly backed off, hiding behind one of the other Kakushi that came here. There were three of them, each carrying medical supplies. The boy had his arm in a sling and the girl had the wound on her back all bandages up.
"CAW! CAW! Next mission is South-East! Muichiro! I repeat! South-East!" Ginko called out, she knew how much I hated it when someone mentioned my wounds. I'm a hashira, they are strong and independent, they don't have time to recover over a stupid broken arm. She would always give me my next mission no matter any injury, I know she cares about me, she hates it when I get hurt. Last time she tried to send me to get help, I tied her beak shut and took away her eyelash privilege. She hasn't tried since.
"Surely you can't do another mission in that condition-" The girl slayer told me. I looked at her for a moment, just giving her a glare. She didn't back down though,
"I have too, it's not like other corp members will. I have around two times the amount of missions you have, and it's my responsibility as a Hashira to get them done. Besides, it's not like you weak slayers would be able to handle them." I coldly spat at her, she looked concerned and ashamed but stayed quiet.
"I'll be going now, don't get yourself killed when I'm not here to help you." I said, I took a few steps forward then switched up my breathing. I jumped into the air, now jumping from tree to tree at great speeds.
The group of slayers and Kakushi stayed behind, not daring to pursue me. I continued through the trees, following the directions Ginko spat at me. My shoulder ached a little bit, but I easily ignored it. If I focused I could probably get it to stop bleeding. . . . My arm also hurt, I've been just holding it limp. If I had to assume, I'd say it broke slightly below my elbow.
I focused on traveling though. Missions were way more important than my injuries. I heard a child scream, and that's what got my attention. I shifted and turned to the left. I emerged from the tree and what I saw actually shocked me. There was a little girl crouched and hovered over another child, who was bleeding heavily. The demon lifted it's hand, the demon was awfully human like, it only had these giant claws.
"Mist breathing, Fifth Form, Sea of Clouds and Haze!" I was pushed forwards as mist wrapped around the demon and children, I swung my blade right towards the demon's neck. The demon was decapitated, and it let out a horrific shriek. It opened its mouth and tried to yell at me, but I cut its head in half, cutting its lower jaw off. It began to cry, but it slowly disintegrated anyway.
The girl behind me sobbed again,
"Brother please! Nii-san, don't leave me!" She sobbed. Something felt familiar, something deep inside me calling out to help the poor children. I stepped towards them and took the bleeding boy from her. He had a gash on his chest, it was deep. He wasn't breathing, I could try cpr, but I think it's too late even for that.
"Please! He's my brother! My twin- You have to help him!" The girl called out. I looked back at her, then set his body on the ground. Their twins. . . . Yuichiro. . . . I remember him. . . . Now wasn't the time to get caught up in my own emotions. It was all still fuzzy, focus Muichiro, not now.
"I'm sorry. . . ." I said, looking at her, trying to reassure her.
"There is nothing I can do now, he is in a better place, watching over you now. . . ." I said, offering her a hug. She fell into my arms and hugged me while sobbing.
"Shhh. . . . It will make him sad, you know?" I said quietly reassuring the sobbing young girl.
"What. . . ?" She said, she was now lightly crying and her voice and breathing were still shaky.
"Crying like this. . . it will make him sad, so you need to move on. Enjoy what's left of your life, make him proud." I said, patting her back. She cried again, but then nodded and looked at me.
"Thank you. . . ." She mumbled, she let go of me and rubbed her eyes. She looked at his body for a minute and she started to cry slightly again. I patted her back, and stood up.
"It is ok to cry, just remember to stand strong." I told her. She stood up and walked over to his body and picked it up best she could. She was young, I'd say around the age of ten. When she wasn't looking I took a breath, I didn't realize I had been holding it. Memories came flooding back and I remembered my own twin. . . my parents. . . and becoming a demon slayer. . . . I took a breath and wiped my own tears.
I didn't notice the girl come over and hug my side. I let out a sigh and patted her head.
"Do you want my help burying him? It's best to give him a formal goodbye." I told her, she nodded and went over to her twin. She's taking this all so well, such a brave little girl.
I dug out the grave, and she set his body down inside, and I helped her out. She found a flower that was growing nearby and placed it in the hole with him. We both stood there for a moment, saying goodbye to the boy one last time. I began to recover the hole,
"Momokah." She said, and I looked at her.
"His name was Momokah, I'm Momokoh." She said, she placed some more flowers above the small pile of dirt.
"MIST HASHIRA! I INSIST YOU GO TO THE BUTTERFLY MANSIO-" A Kakushi said bursting through the bushes. He paused at the sight though. I glared at him standing up so I was eye level with him.
"Next time. . . . Show up sooner. A young boy died here because of your tardiness and failure to do your. job. right." I told him, whispering it into his ear so the girl behind us didn't hear. His eyes widened and he looked at the grave and instantly began apologizing to me. Two more Kakushi showed up. They picked up the young girl and asked her if she had anywhere to go.
"Uh. . . . I don't- my parents died last summer. . . ." She said, looking down. I looked at her in shock. Who could do this to a child? Why did demons have to do such a thing, weren't they satisfied with doing it once to me?!
"I'm taking her in, she'll come live with me in my estate." I told them, the Kakushi looked at her then me.
"But Lord Tokito- You are far too young to be looking after a child-" One of them said,
"Oh yeah? I was her age when I lost my parents and twin so you shut your mouth." I harshly yelled at him, I finally put my sword back in its sheath. The Kakushi backed up and nodded. They were all shaky and scared now. I wasn't even that big, they shouldn't be scared. One of them approached Momokoh and picked her up. They started to run back to what I'm assuming was the Butterfly Mansion.
I stayed beside them the whole time, Momokoh kept looking at me when we were traveling. I smiled at her, and she weakly smiled back at me.
We arrived at the Mansion and Aoi rushed us in. She scolded me for not coming to her immediately, but also didn't mind since I managed to save someone. It was also my fault that Momokoh's twin died. . . . She put my arm in a sling and addressed Momokoh, asking her where she would be staying.
"Uh with. . . . Lord Tokito?" She said, questioning if she got my name right. Aoi looked at me for a second, and I shot her a glare.
"Very well, but while he is recovering you will remain here. You are lucky to not have any major injuries. You'll help with the patients, if you don't mind." Aoi said, she grabbed a hair brush and started to brush the young girl's hair. She had light bronze hair, with some neon yellow highlights. Her hair was straight hair, it reached right below her shoulder blades. Her brother had the same hair, just shorter. She had caramel eyes.
"I don't mind. . . . I want to help people, help them so they don't go through what I had to go through." She said, smiling slightly, she then looked over at me, I smiled back at her. If she wants to train to be a demon slayer, I will warn her. To force a child to go through training and what I've gone through. . . . I will not have it happen again. If she wishes to pursue the medical field, I'll be happy for her. Why do I care about her so much? I really shouldn't care this much about a child. . . . Is it because she has such a similar backstory as me. . . ?
"Muichiro!" Genya walks into the room, he looks panicked. I smiled, "Genya!" I walked to him and hugged him with my good arm. He hugged back, squeezing me slightly. It hurt my ribs- but I didn't mind.
"Alright, I get it. You love each other, Muichiro go lay down in that bed before I drag you over myself." Aoi said, slightly pushing me to a recovery bed. I huffed but then slid into the bed. The blanket was fluffy and warm, I liked it. . . . Genya came and sat down next to me.
"Maybe, next time. . . . Don't scare the shit out of the Kakushi that come to save you life?" He told me, I turned so I laid face down on the bed. Avoiding making eye contact. He slowly started to rub my back.
"TOKITO! SIT UP NOW! OR AT LEAST LAY ON YOUR BACK, YOU ARM IS NEVER GONNA HEAL IF YOU LAY ON IT LIKE THAT!" Aoi shouted from across the room. Momokoh was next to her giggling. Momokoh had a new low ponytail, just one, on the back of her head. It was held up by a beautiful yellow butterfly clip.
I sighed, then slowly sat up. I leaned against the back of the bed for support. Genya chuckled a bit and scooted closer. I reached out my good arm and held my hand out for him, signalling I wanted to hold hands. He smiled and took my hand, intertwining our fingers.
"Momokoh, I want you to explore a bit, you'll find three other girls. . . roughly around your age. They'll get you started for now." Aoi said, and Momokoh rushed out of the room. For someone who just lost someone in front of her, she 's doing great. As soon as she left shutting the door,
"Wow, I can't believe it. You do all this lovey-dovey stuff and you're still not dating." Aoi huffed and went to a cabinet next to her to put something away.
"We're not?" Genya and I say in unison, even tilting our heads. Aoi looks at us baffled and then just puts her hands up in defeat and leaves the room. Genya chuckles and I smiled. Today's been a lot. I'm glad Momokoh's alright now. . . . I need to sort out my own memories. . . . Not tonight though, I'll do it some time later.

For now. . . I just wanna enjoy this silence with Genya.

That's it! I don't have anything I wanna say that isn't already covered in the beginning of the story so. . . .

GENMUIII   --One Shot's and Random Crap-- (Muichiro x Genya)Where stories live. Discover now