Jessi's explanation only made me feel worse. They knew each other for such a long time and the only thing I knew about Aiden was stuff on the internet. If I was Aiden, I'd choose Diana over me. 

"If you went to the hospital, then you probably met her mom, Dr Helena," Jessi added, and my brain froze.

"What?!" I exclaimed.

Dr Helena was kind and sweet. That was the complete opposite of the woman that ignored me throughout her conversations with Aiden.

"I get why you're shocked but you don't have to worry about her,"

How could I not worry about her after everything I have learned so far?

"I think she likes Aiden," I said.

"She does," Jessi replied in a heartbeat. "She has for years but the idiot never paid attention,"

My heart thumped in my chest and sharp pains that felt like needles spread through my body. What was this drama? I didn't have the time to wake myself up from this fantasy.

"What about you?" Jessi asked suddenly. "Do you like Aiden?"

The answer was at the tip of my tongue, but it felt like a sin to say it. I was attached to Aiden, but there were many reasons I couldn't trust him. Trust was a very important factor for me; especially after Tyler cheated on me like that.

After finding out about Diana, it felt like a dead flag to allow anything else to happen between us. Men can't be trusted.

"I don't know," I say honestly.

There was no way I could tell Jessi I haven't gotten over my ex-boyfriend who cheated on me. Her facial expression told me she didn't believe me, but she said nothing.

"It doesn't matter who likes who," I said. "I'm nothing special to Aiden, so if he wants to date her, he should. It'll save me the trouble of people finding out I slept with him," I added.

"You finally agreed?" She asked.

"I was forced to,"

"I'm sure you were," she laughed.

It was the truth, though. If Aiden didn't show up at my house, I wouldn't have agreed or given in to my desires.

"I'm glad you did." She said, sitting on the edge of my desk. "His father was too busy to notice that he needed a therapist. He could never fall asleep alone so he spent hours at my house,"

"What happened to him?"

"Maybe he'll tell you someday,"

It seemed I touched a sensitive topic because, after that, Jessi and I went back to work. After sending my last testing report, I went straight to the meeting room. Now I could officially call myself a programmer at Zen.

"Ms Banks," someone stopped me as I walked toward the elevator.

"Mr Stark called for you," the lady said.


He wasn't allowed to do that. Aiden wasn't my direct supervisor. Then why would he call for me? The employee from the office she came from stared at me weirdly from the glass walls.

What was wrong with him? Was he intentionally making everyone suspicious of me? 

I angrily marched to the elevator and pressed the button for his floor. When I got there, it suddenly hit me that his office was the only room on the floor. He probably had a hidden room somewhere.

His secretary gave me a warm smile as I pushed the glass doors open for me. I smiled at her but returned to my angry state after I passed her desk.

"What the hell is wrong with you?!" I yelled the second I was inside his office.

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