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Virgo threw a vine at them, hoping they might catching it, but to her not so surprise they didn't, making it the seventh time this plan had failed.

She grunted, throwing another vine at the panicking duo, this time Libra managed to catch it, Aries holding onto his waist.

Virgo flew higher, pulling both of them out of the stream, safely placing them on the grassy path.

"That was not the cooling down I was asking for," Aries growled, squeezing some water out of  her soaked shirt.

She ruffled her now wet blonde hair, which Corvus couldn't change back, since no hair dye could undo the magic.

"But at least we're cool now," Libra effused, trying to cheer her up. The listless female only shrugged her shoulders.

"Gee guys, you're welcome for thanking me,"  Virgo crossed her arms, rolling her caramel brown eyes. "Oh wait, you didn't-"

"Sorry V, thank you for saving our lives," the brown haired boy bowed, a cheerful grin on his shaky lips.

"Yeah, thanks Virgo."

"How on earth are you dry?" Virgo mused, looking at the girl who was wet just a second ago, a perplexed look on her face.

"I simply heated myself up, super powers, you know?" Aries irked a brow, a sly smirk on her plump red lips.

Virgo made an 'oh' expression, nodding to prove that she understood her comment.

Libra flinched at first before moaning lowly as he felt the warmth radiating from Aries hands. "Bro!" Aries smiled, slightly embarrassed from his reaction.

"I'm sorry," Libra simpered sheepishly.


After several painfully slow moments of walking, they finally made it to the life tree.

"Its fricking huge!" Libra made the understatement of the century, tilting his head up to meet the top. Due to how high it was, his eyes were roughly invaded by harsh sunlights sipping through the spaces between the leaves.

"How on earth are we gonna find the gem in this?" Virgo questioned, stretching her hand to touch the roots.

"DON'T TOUCH IT," Aries yelled, startling her.  Virgo immediately pulled her hand back.

"Why mustn't I?" She frowned, trying to regulate her heart beats.

"Maybe it could be dangerous," Libra put out.

"Exactly," Aries nodded.

"Then how on earth are you gon. . .Aries?" Virgo paused the moment she spotted Aries walking towards the other side of the tree, muttering some incomprehensible words.

Aries touched the tree and a string of white light appeared, running all the way to form a rectangle.

The rectangle opened, revealing a secret door. And some boldly written words in a long forgotten language.

"What do you think it might say?" Libra turned to Virgo, who was just as confused as he was.

"I don't know," she shrugged, looking at the words over and over.

Aries chanted the words before interpreting it to them. "It says, only the pure can pass through."

"Pure? Like secret less? Or holy? In what sense?" Virgo pondered,  but didn't get a reply.

They were all hiding nothing right?

So why fret?

Aries was the first to walking through, followed by Libra, Virgo was a little hesitant at first, contemplating before passing through the door.

The rectangular door shut and the string of light reappeared, leading the narrow way.

"Why did you hesitate?" Libra asked Virgo, who gulped, fiddling with her hair.

"Maybe I was scared?" Virgo retorted.

Whatever she was hiding wasn't that bad since she could pass, right?

Libra shook his head, clearing those thoughts away.

They continued to follow the light before it stopped, pointing at a white gem floating on air, just above the appropriate height.

"Do you think the gem powers the tree?" Virgo had a puzzled expression.

"If it does, the light wouldn't lead us here, instead it would protect it," Libra enunciated, watching Aries as she walked towards the gem.

"How is this thing floating?" The blonde poked the gem, making it wobble on air.

"That's the only  thing that surprises you? We're in a damn tree Aries," Virgo sassed, crossing her arm.

Aries tittered at her comment, gently pulling the gem away from its force.
She shrugged when nothing happened, joining Virgo and Libra out.

"Are we gonna walk back? I'm too tired," Aries grunted exasperatedly, running her fingers through her hair.

"I could try making a portal," Libra suggested. He tried and this time it worked.

"I guess the tree just wanted to know he wasn't a threat?" Virgo put out, walking through the open portal, shrilling the moment a flying mug was sent her way.



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★. .° • *. .★. . ° • *. .★

"We seem to not be able to connect with the insider for some reason," a scientist of Vela's said, adjusting his glasses, beads of sweat resting on his creased forehead.
"Maybe they need to be out of the hideout for the signal to connect."

Vela scoffed, a sly smirk on her lips. "Don't worry, I know how to lure him in."

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One more gem??
Time flies, what the heck??
Btw, this gem plot was my little niece's idea, hope you liked it

Anyways hi, how are you?
Pls vote and comment

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