Gems and motivation

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      Its been three days since Aquarius used her powers and someone of us have also been able to use our a bit as well.

"I don't wanna train today" Sagittarius wailed rolling around on the couch. "I wanna rest, I wanna go to parties" he continued to drill our ears with his  whining.

"How the fuck are you gonna rest and party at the same time?" Scorpio scoffed shaking her head from how tired she was.

"Its possible NERD" Sagittarius retorted lifting up his middle finger.

"Who you calling a nerd?" Scorpio frowned going closer to him.

"Ooh I'm so scared what you gonna do? Strangle me with your chain?" he laughed before Scorpio punched his stomach.

Pisces and I the other ones up yet if we are not counting Capricorn the silent goat started laughing.

"Can we not start a day without fighting" Leo came down smiling at her reflection.

Ever since corvus gave her that mirror I'm pretty sure I haven't seen her eyes.

"Oh her majesty is down" Sagittarius said still wincing from the pain. "Are you're even a fire sign, you're not wild like Aries and I" he added.

"Oh please, a Queen doesn't dabble around being crazy" Leo flipped her hair. '' I'm too elegant for that" she blew a kiss at her reflection.

I chuckled under my breath to avoid her from knowing, she was right tho, but she does get angry quickly and goes all savage mode and I didn't want that this morning.

I narrowed my eyes to Pisces who was looking at her gaping.
I've been around Pisces for a while and it was a bit obvious he likes her.

"She's right you know" he finally came out of his gaping. "Sh. .she's  too elegant for that"

"You see, this gentleman gets it" Leo smiled pointing at  Pisces.


        I rolled my eyes at the blushing lover boy, trying to get up.

"I'll get you next time" I seethed at Scorpio "emo ass bitch"

"I think I oughtta revoke swearing" Corvus another problem chimed as he jogged down the stairs.

"Ain't you energetic this morning" Leo laughed.

"Matter of fact, I am"

I still think Leo and corvus kidnapped us, cause look how well they communicate with each other.

Corvus looked around noticing our few number which was her majesty, lover boy, that emo bitch, nerdy, voiceless and party lord which is myself.

"I also oughtta wake up those other lazy bums" he chuckled bringing up his wrist, he tapped his watch and a holographic image appeared. "There we go" Corvus smirked as he tapped on an unknown thingy.

Immediately a loud alarm went off.
We closed our ears as it continued.

Moments later screaming, groaning  and mumbling was heard as the others had gotten up.

"Woahh what's sorta watch is that?" I turned to Corvus who had a triumphant grin.

"You'll find out pretty soon"


   "Not that I'm rushing you guys" Corvus started as we all gathered outside the training court.

"Sounds like you are" Gemini interjected ruffling his hair lazily.

"Gemini, I swear I will ducktape your mouth if you don't keep quiet" Corvus said clenching his jaws.

Gemini and I made the perfect team of making Corvus's life miserable and believe me it was fun.
Gemini turned to me and we started grinning.

"The both of you separate" Corvus instructed pointing at me and Gemini.
"What I wanted to say is that you have to work faster so you'd be ready to retrieve the gems"

I was lucky that I wasn't the only one that was confused. My confidence grew back as more than half of us was also confused.


     "What gems?" Aquarius asked still chewing on her bubble gum Corvus instructed her to throw away.

"Didn't you all assured me you'd read the book, in exchange of you waking up by 6:00am?" Corvus cried looking daze.

I gotta admit its always fun seeing Corvus like this.

"Oh great master we. . ." Gemini beamed before Corvus interjected.

"Shut up"

"I know what you're talking about" Virgo beamed raising her hand up.

"Of course you do" I scoffed as she gawked at me.

"Corvus is talking about the twelve lucky gems of each zodiac and clearly the gems gives its holder more strength and endurance" Virgo explained.

"Exactly, but sadly some are lost and some are held by powerful people" Corvus continued. "That's why you need to train, Vela is taking over"

After his usual blabbing we got to training.

"Hey Taurus" I called as she immediately turned to me. "Wanna bet?"

"I do, I do, I do" Aries rushed in. "I heard betting"

I smirked at Aries's enthusiasm "The first person to use his or her powers gets. . .an  ice cream"

"An ice cream? dude I can get that anytime" Taurus frowned.

"I don't care I just wanna compete" Aries shrugged.

"Yeah, but think how celebratory ice cream tastes, ice cream of victory" I urged as they both began to smile.

"Easy" Aries exclaimed  bit creating a small about if fire.

I turned to Taurus "You just need more zeal towards the ice cream" she gushed walking towards a huge rock. "You just gotta believe enough" Taurus picked up the rock as everyone turned to her.

"How are you doing that?" Libra gasped.

"Motivation" Taurus answered keeping back the rock. "You just gotta keep an objective"

Okay, now I gotta find an objective.

Done and dusted

Thanks for reading
Lemme know what you think

Cya 💙🍺

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