Ruins of time (ninth gem)

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Pisces's pov

A huge piece of metal fell from a building, making me to cuss loudly

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A huge piece of metal fell from a building, making me to cuss loudly. The sound echoing throughout the vast empty environment.

"Shit! One more step and you've been vultures diner," Sagittarius sniggered, his fingers raking his light orange hair, clearly amused by the fright that lingered on my face.

Scorpio, his arch nemesis, shot him a look that could instantly kill ten people and seven cows.

Honestly I have no idea why they didn't get along. Sagittarius would always call her a nerd or emo, and Scorpio would say something about how idiotic he is.

"I don't plan on being any creature's diner," I released a sigh, my legs finally getting firm.

Sagittarius wiggled his brow, a smug look on his face. It only took me that to know he was about to say something sus. "Even Leo?"

Called it!

"Ew, you're disgusting," Scorpio's face held so much disgust. Sagittarius chuckled loudly, I slammed my hand on his mouth, muffling him.

Its only been three hours and I'm already tired of this mission.

The city of the future, Korora, or what it was meant be. Over seventy years ago this city was the best of its time, it had technology others dreamt of, it was the capital of its realms with inventions that are still very useful today and also contributed to growth of technology and science all over.

That was until the plague. No one really knows what happen, just that a failed experiment that was meant to help all beings had an unexpected error, thus wiping every soul out of the city.

A force shield was created by the professor in charge, stopping his invention to spread to other parts.

So here we are, three teenagers snooping in a city that was set off limits, looking for the moonstone gem, Sagittarius touching everything he saw.

"The damage done to this city is massive," He trailed his fingers on some marks on the metal wall, probably formed from claws. "Look at these marks."

We were currently heading to a building which the compass on Corvus's watch was pointing to.

"Be careful not to touch anything, this watch is picking up odd activities," I warned, my brown eyes fixed on the purple light beeping all around the tunnel we were passing through. "Don't wanna activate anything."

"Apparently one of us isn't that smart," Came Scorpio raspy monotonous voice. I wasn't looking but I know she'd roll her eyes after that.

"Yes, you," Sagittarius deflected.

This is frustrating!

After walking out of the tunnel our eyes were greeted with a fine sight of greenery, a stream of crystal clear water flowing underneath a thin metal bridge.

The compass keeps pointing north and the purple light beeping, l placed a foot on the bridge. "Imagine this thing breaks, you'd probably drown,you fish."

"Eh. . .? Fishes don't drown, what are you? dumb?" Scorpio whacked Sagittarius's head, a displeased look on her face.

I shrugged off his comment, walking ahead of them towards the tall partly wrecked building. The closer we got the more my inside churned. Anything could be hidden within those walls. We could start the plague all over again with just one mistake.

"What do you say, this run down elevator or this ridiculously many numbers of stair?" I turned to Sagittarius and Scorpio.

Scorpio irked a brow, contemplating on my question. "The elevator could break down or even start up something," she pursed her full lips, eyes focused on the lift with grasses growing on it.

"But the stairs could take forever," Sagittarius proceeded to enter the lift, repeatedly pressing on a broken button.

Scorpio and I flinched when a loud blaring sound filled the empty room, red light flashing. "Sweet it works, get it," Sagittarius grinned, reaching a hand for Scorpio to take, which the latter slapped away, earning a chuckle from him.

"I don't know, but this doesn't seem very safe," I gulped, taking a couple steps backwards.

Sagittarius kept urging til we agreed, going him on the lift. It started elevating smoothly and just when my shoulders were about to relax, a creaking sound was heard, the lift broke, sending all three of us down.

"Dumbasses," Scorpio muttered, using her chain to grasp a piece of metal high above us, the length of the chain wrapped around us.

Slowly, her chain made us ascended until we reached a safe spot, and that when Scorpio froze.

Snap! I forgot she's scared of heights.

"Shit!" She cussed, trying not to look down, sounds of metals from the lift hitting the concrete ground, making her panic more.

"Scorp, its alright, we're safe now," I grabbed her sweaty hands. At first she snapped, before letting her walls down.

"Quick update," Sagittarius who I didn't notice had ran off, returned, a silly grin on his face. "This lab is fucking huge, we need to spilt up to cover more grou. . .eh. . .up?"

The watch could tell the location of the gem, but not the exact spot, which made the missions a bit tricky.

"Why don't you search the whole place, aren't you. . .fast?" Scorpio asked, tightly squeezing my hand.

"I would if I could, when I run this building shakes, its not strong enough."

"This might help," I said, making extra clones, they immediately spread out, searching for the right room.

"Can I. . .this is hard to say," Scorpio bit her lips, her breath unsteady. "Can I search with you?"

Seems like what Sagittarius said about the unstable lab made her even more frightened.

I was about to respond when an alarm set off, and a part of the building explored.


Messy chapter, I know 😔

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