Strange magic (eighth gem)

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Aquarius's pov

"I've heard that the place is run by an old hag who wants to relive her childhood," Aries explained, not taking her focus off the path

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"I've heard that the place is run by an old hag who wants to relive her childhood," Aries explained, not taking her focus off the path.

"Really? I heard its run by a couple who's kid died," I said, looking at Aries.

Clearly they were lots of rumors about the cloud castle, like the one about how it runs on the laughter of children and that no one ever returns after visiting it.

I don't believe all those bullshit, I didn't even believe it existed until yesterday.

To get to the cloud castle we had to go through pink woods, the place looks like its straight out of a children fairytale, in fact everything the whole way there seems like a fairytale.

We went through rainbow falls, over Candy rock, pass peppermint forest and next is lemonade lake, what in the heck?

"If you look pass all the sweetness, this place is really beautiful," Aries remarked, taking glances of the trees as we pass by.

She wasn't wrong, everywhere we've passed looked bright and pretty. We were like three adventurers with Capricorn being the insipid one trailing behind us. He seemed placid as usual.

We were on our way to retrieve the eighth gem, the Amethyst, and its the gem of yours truly, Aries.

Just kidding, its mine. And it had to be in this pathetic world.

"How long til we get there?" I moaned, kicking a purple rock.

"How should I know? You're the one with the watch," Aries responded, with little to no enthusiasm.

"Oh right," I grinned, checking the watch. "Says here we should be right at the bank of lemonade lake,"

We all looked perplexed, seeing the light yellow lake in front of us, it ran rather slow but steady.

"This place looks too sweet, I'm having a toothache just by looking at it," Aries complained, rubbing her checks.

Capricorn's brow furrowed, as he looked at the so called lake, "What are we waiting for?" He turned to me.

I tried making a boat but couldn't, the watch would always shut down, "uh guys, its not working," I whined, still trying to make a boat.

"Our option is to swim all the way across," Aries started taking off her boots.

"Or we could use that thing over there," I pointed at a boat looking thing, but it was designed like a waffle.

"I'm not getting on that," Capricorn stepped away from the boat, "It looks like it will get soaked and then sink."

He does have a point but that was our only option. To confirm what Cappy just said, I walked closer to the boat and took a big bite.

"Owwww, owww, my teeth," I cried, pressing my fingers against them, "That thing won't sink, its purely metal, owww!"

"Sorry, but you could've bit it gently," Aries laughed, climbing aboard. "I'm the one driving this thing."

"Don't you mean sailing?" Capricorn corrected her, Aries only shrugged, grabbing the sail.

"Trust me, I have lots of experiences with anything that floats on water,"

"Don't listen to her," Capricorn warned, shaking his head.

Aries had a scowl on her face, "One more word and you'll be walking the plank."


After crossing lemonade lake, we started walking towards the flight of stairs guarded by pink puffy clouds.

"Don't tell me we have to climb all those steps," I moaned, stomping my feet. Stairs aren't really my thing and there was a lot.

"Think about it like as an exercise," Aries started walking ahead, "We can even do a little competition."

"Cool, count me out," Capricorn shrugged, following behind her.

I soon enough joined them, complaining each step I took. Aries was telling us a story about her school life as we got further.

"STOP," Two crystal spears clanged in front of me. I raised my head up, seeing two huge gummy bears. "No one dares enters.

We were finally in front of the cloud castle and these two delicious things are trying to stop us?

"I wonder how melted gummy bears takes like," Aries gave a little devilish grin, taking her hand up, but Capricorn stopped her.

I personally don't thing we need violence right now, and besides these are just candies.

"Go back or we'll be forced to get physical," They both said, pointing the spears at us.

"Okay, I did not climb up all those stairs just to be rejected by food," I sneered, placing my hands on waist, a serious glare on.

Seconds later we were flying down the stairs, landing on our butts. "Those bears just started what they can't finish," Aries rolled up her sleeves, going up the stairs again.

"Its no use, I got an idea," Capricorn's lips curved into a small smirk, placing his hands on our shoulders.

"Ew bro, don't touch me," Aries whined, looking the other way, tucking stray hairs behind her ears.

"Be quiet, I can make whatever I touch invisible too,"

"Cool, so we're invisible now?" I did a victory dance. Only thing is that we had to go up the stairs again.

We walked pass the bears and I stuck out my tongue at them.

"I'm gonna be sick," Aries and I jinxed, the inside was completely decorated with all the bright color you could think of, the author would probably list them but that would be totally waste of time.

Capricorn took his hand off making us visible, he could make other objects he touch invisible for a limited time and that power takes time to generate again.

"So where's the gem?" I heard a kid's voice behind me.

I turned, surprised to see two children staring at me perplexedly. "What?" I asked, stepping back. "Why do I sound like a kid? Why do you look like kids?"

"Oh no, how are we children again?" Aries wailed loudly.

Dun, dun, dun?

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Cya 💚

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